As a former Target store employee, I can say, it was one of the best jobs I ever had. They treated us fairly, had great perks (check cashing in the store on payday, discount tickets to things, etc), and always listened to us.
I'm glad! This is the sort of thing I've heard. And I really like the idea of supporting it with my shopping.
My brother is a current Target employee, albeit with their corporate office and he has been just as happy with them.
If the pharmacies who wanted to let Pharmacist X refuse to fill prescriptions according to conscience, would ensure (by how they schedule their staff) that another pharmacist/tech-allowed-to-fill-prescriptions was also on duty--one who
fill the prescriptions Pharmacist X refused to fill, I'd be all for this law--then it would mean more freedom for more people.
vw, just so you know, there's a wicked stomach bug making its rounds through our elementary school. Also, per our pediatrician, if you're still in the throwing phase it is better to eat nothing, and not throw any more, than it is to eat. Just make sure you get enough clear fluids (the fat in the chicken soup probably harshed your tummy's mellow; and fruit juices seem harder to tolerate than ginger ale for some reason), but again, it's better to limit yourself (teeny sips here and there, throughout the day) rather than throw up more.
I hope you feel better soon.
Ugh. And just as I was starting to eat soup.
I just hate having dry heaves. So, I tend to eat, even when I'm pukey, 'cause I hate the dry heaves part.
Teppy, Hubby asked last night how your back is doing. He tries to keep up with how my "invisible friends in the box" are doing.
Something that our pediatrician told us for the barfy kids: no food, teaspoons of water to stop the barfing, then BRAT = Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, Toast in small amounts.
Teppy, Hubby asked last night how your back is doing.
My back is still top-notch. Thank him for asking! How's *his* back treating him?
Bananas? I haven't been able to eat those since the concussion. My brain just goes "slime!" Sadly, I buy them anyway.
I can't recommend ginger enough -- ginger tea (brewed from bags or from the root) if you want to avoid the sugar. I also used diluted gatorade.
How's *his* back treating him?
Not nearly as well as yours. The degeneration keeps creeping up through his spinal disks. They relieve the pressure further down, and the ones above give out.
Still, he can drive again, and his shoulder's doing very nicely after that last bit of roto-rootering.
How's *his* back treating him?
Not nearly as well as yours. The degeneration keeps creeping up through his spinal disks. They relieve the pressure further down, and the ones above give out.
Yeesh. He needs a full copper repipe.
Still, he can drive again
So, it sounds like *some* progress, then?