Thing is, they don't always carry every drug--even if it's not related to contraception. I tried to get DH's diet script filled there once and the pharmacist told me they didn't carry Adipex because of problems they had with forged prescriptions. And most insurance carriers didn't cover it anyway, so they stopped stocking it. The turned me down flat without even saying where I should go to get it filled.
I've known pharmacies which did not always carry every single drug that could possibly be carried, and every time I have gone to them with a script for something they did not have in stock, the response was, "Wow, sorry we don't have it in stock currently, but we will order it and get it to you ___day." Sometimes they would offer to call around to the other pharmacies in the area, if it was something they felt someone else might actually have in stock. But I have never had an outright refusal to fill.
every time I have gone to them with a script for something they did not have in stock, the response was, "Wow, sorry we don't have it in stock currently, but we will order it and get it to you ___day."
Yeah, this. I don't expect every possible brand of every possible drug, any more than expect every book in print to be in a bookstore -- but there are ways you can act that show concern for the customer getting their script filled, and ways that are just acting callous about the whole notion of, well, health
Fill My Pills NOW!
Don't let ideology trump sound science — join our Fill My Pills Now campaign today and urge corporate pharmacy chains to adopt a pro-women’s health policy that will fill prescriptions on site, without discrimination or delay.
With a link on how various pharmacies rate.
Also, x-posted from Natter, becase I forgot that Bitches was where the discussion was taking place:
I know a young woman who has the misfortune to have contracted genital herpes.
She is on a daily regimen of Valtrex to prevent symptoms from manifesting themselves.
Recently she took her prescription to a pharmacist who was apparently a fundamentalist Christian.
Not only did he refuse to fill the prescription, but he tore it up and handed it back to her, saying, "God is punishing you for your sin."
Why, oh, why am I still awake???
I do not know, vw. I was just wondering the same thing. Insomnia is no fun.
why I'm not asleep - I'm having a period of free-floating anxiety.
Soon I will take a hot bath - sometimes that helps.
I'm Miss In Bed By 9 p.m. At The Latest.
I'm gonna pay for this tomorrow.
Because someone has to entertain me?
That is, depending on how well off you are you can choose to skip some products or vendors that are bad for the environment/society/humanity/etc. But the problems are structural. Just about everything is made in a harmful way one way or the other.
Yeah, it is structural, but pre-budget, I was SO used to being able to choose the least harmful option, and I'm just always amazed at how much it costs (at least in Seattle) to do that.
Because someone has to entertain me?
I took a 4 hour nap this afternoon. I suspect I will be here to do that for a long time.
I'm all disappointed.
I saw White Christmas - the Musical tonight. It has some songs that aren't in the movie/soundtrack, but there is no soundtrack for the musical. BUT I WANT IT!
t / temper tantrum