Very nice cover Deena!
I've only met one person with my birthday, same year too. I loved him muchly and wouldn't have minded sharing my day with him. As a general rule though I think it stinks. A person really should get one day for themselves.
Random kid moments today.
DH decided he wanted to go to see Harry Potter and he went to round up Bobby to go see it with him. Bobby was too busy playing army type games in the park to bother. He is such a social animal. Sitting in a theater just doesn't compare with playing with friends.
Then Brendon (domestically way behind his little brother) asked me to teach him how to make a grilled cheese sandwich. Woo! He was a bit annoyed that I couldn't give him absolute time parameters, but he dealt with it.
t /kids like carrots
Back to baking cookies...
Yeah, it's nothing but a small bit of choice, but those can be important in their way.
Nine was...a little hard for me. I think that's when I first started to get that I wasn't gonna grow past the wheelchair thing, but at the same time I don't doubt that part of me thought I could be "legendary" too. After all, grown people were waiting for me to answer THEIR questions; I must be a genius.
I wanted to be a telethon star, man.
Mom said "No." then she said "Hell no." then she said "over my dead body."
After that, I got the message. Now, I'm glad. A true subversive shouldn't be remembered for singing "Tomorrow" in her Sunday-go-to-meeting.
Actually, though she was probably afraid I'd try to do stand-up...prove you didn't have to be in double digits to have a tight five...also, Mom would take ten years off her life to not bring attention on herself. In many ways, she doesn't understand me at all.
I'm with Brendon on wanting time parameters. I once had exact time and temperature settings figured out for a perfect grilled cheese, but I moved away from that stove, of course, and have never achieved such reproducible perfection since. Alas.
I picked my French Toast recipe based on teh fact that it says "3 minutes on a side or until golden brown" rather than just "until golden brown". Even if it's wrong, at least it's something to aim for.
I think it's time for cross-stitch.
Click here [link] for some science teaching filk...
for instance:
Glucose -- ah, sugar sugar --
You are my favorite fuel
From the blood-borne substrate pool.
Glucose -- monosaccharide sugar --
You're sweeter than a woman's kiss
'Cause I need you for glycolysis.
Hec, insent to profile addy.
Actually, Hec, it bounced back, so insent to gmail addy.
VW and Deena, I LOVE the cover!
Do we have an official deadline for the submissions?
Honestly, Laura, I work better with a deadline. Without one, I'm apt to put it off forever.