Stephanie, is Ellie feeling any better today?
Sort of. I think her cold/ear infection is better but she's suffering some secondary effects of the antibiotics. One thing just keeps leading to another. I sort of just want to scream...or wave a magic wand.
eta: If I could, I would just breastfeed her forever. Anytime anything else gets introduced into her system, chaos ensues.
You just need a break, Stephanie. Things keep piling on, and it's hard to see the end of it. Poor little Ellie. I hope she feels better soon.
Do any knitters hang here, or are they strictly Natterers?
I think Minearverse is the default crafting thread.
And good luck with the pitch, Hec!
Why am I feeling kinda ooky? Flu shot? I was just telling my mother that feeling bad after a flu shot was all psychosomatic. Did I psych myself into feeling bad?! I've got to start vacationing tomorrow! I don't wanna be sick! I'm going to try to stop thinking about it.
Poor little Ellie.
It's stupid and irrational, but I feel like I broke her. She's actually acting fine, but she was *better* before all this started up. It all started with the rice cereal back on Nov. 5th.
{{{Stephanie}}} {{{Ellie}}}
Emeline will have a poof for her next birthday, I'll tell you what!
Although, they don't look that hard to make. Hmmm.....
Do any knitters hang here, or are they strictly Natterers?
I think Minearverse is the default crafting thread.
Cool. I'm caught up there, unlike Natter. 'Course I now realize I can't figure out how to phrase my question. Wish there was a Stitch'n'Bitch nearby. But hey, I taught myselt to purl last night, so that's something! (Not something exciting, but something).
{{Ellie & her Mommy}}
I was just telling my mother that feeling bad after a flu shot was all psychosomatic.
I've heard the opposite - that a flu shot (which may be live, but weakened pathogens) can result in a very low-grade flu, as the body begins to create antibodies for the flu (and thus get immunity).
I think.
A lot of the old trees here are still standing around power lines, because a long time ago the area said "NO!"
They forced the power companies to only trim certain parts, resulting in trees with big V's taken out of the center (looks like a hedge, in some respects) or having one flat side, and occasionally an entire flat top.
I'll see if there are pictures, later. Now I have to go get shot.
I hate to purl! I always wind up with extra stitches somehow.