Okay. We are breathing.
(Jilli font) Puppycat just found
a huge spider,
and not the first one in recent days. I squarshed the
and then had to hold Puppycat up to the
squish mark
on the wall to investigate and so she could satisfy her curiousity.
It was a big spider..
I'm not even totally
adverse but blech.
I am wide awake. This is not fair.
I still feel like crap. But, I have to go to school today. Plus, I have a meeting with my Independent Study professor that I'm TOTALLY not prepared for. Oh, well. All I can do is my best.
Man, playing catchup takes a long time. Go vw! Curses upon FEMA. Bless the wee Buffistasprogs in all their sartorial glory!
On Saturday I had a moment of powerful DamnIWishJilliWasHere, because as I walked away from a friend's house I became aware of these swoopy-flappy skirls of movement in the darkness overhead, where the huge mango trees reached branches across towards each other like long-separated lovers. And it was bats. And bats. And more bats. Big bats. Fruit bats, I suspect. I kept pausing near street lights and staring up into the twiggy darkness with an idiotic grin on my face, listening to them making their wee bat noises and darting back and forth. They were a lot less haphazardly fluttery than the wee bats at home. I kept murmuring "BLESS the wee bats!"
I have converted many small children to liking Neil Gaiman over the course of the past 2 weeks, by reading
The Wolves in the Walls
to them. When I asked KG2 if they liked the story they all said "Yes Miss Fay! Thank you Miss Fay!" And then one little girl piped up: "I love you, Miss Fay!" and several others chimed in, which was
(Grade 5 also loved it, as did Grade 4 and Grade 3, and Grade 2 burst into spontaneous applause. In short - Gaiman is a hit with the Egyptian kiddies. Especially the bit where the wolves turn the television up as LOUD as it will go, and I bellow LOUD as loudly as I can, which is pretty damned loudly, and all the kids jump, and then burst into startled giggles.)
Mmmm, custard apples. So yummy. So squishy. So sweet. Just a pity about the big black seeds, that's all. Still, one has to wonder if there's other fruit out there that tastes like treacle sponge, or chocolate fudge cake or something - it's SUCH a Willy Wonka kind of fruit.
Hi, Fay! Go you with the Neil Gaiman conversions!
Also, Fay reminded me that I am angry at FEMA on -t's behalf. She also reminded me that I have a little package I need to get in the mail to -t. Maybe this weekend...
Because my life is not complete, I think my body has decided it is time for a (TMI font)
yeast infection
. Yay. I wish my body would just stay healthy for a day. A day! That's all I'm asking for!
Oh, vw, yuck! I hope you feel better soon!
And poor -t. I had the administrative stuff where if people would just do their jobs correctly the first time you wouldn't be having such problems.
It's pouring outside. Normally I like this but I'm sick and dind't sleep well last night so I'm achey too. And the dogs need to be walked but I can't take Ellie-with-an-ear-infection-and-cold out for a walk in the rain. Or I
but I'd feel bad and irresponsible doing it.
Our house is a total mess. I didn't have the energy to pick up and clean yesterday. I should get to it today but it's questionable. At least I'm the neatnik. Joe doesn't care at all.
Speaking of Joe, he's supposed to be jumping out of an airplane this morning. I don't think they will go because of the rain, but I always worry just a bit on jump days.
Thanks, Stephanie. I mean, I've got the cold, the asthma, the cough, the no voice. You'd think my body would cut me a break? But, no.
I had that happen one winter - UTI, what you've got, plus mono. It was quite the month. I hope the nebulizer starts working some magiv for you. All that breathing stuff has sounded really scary.
Wow, a whole lot of good Bitches news to come into of a morning (except for the FEMA screw-ups and vw's yeast infection).
In further fascinating news of my robe hunt, it turns out that the eBay seller's out of the color/size combo I want, too. Oh, well. It gives me a quest.