Skipped like mad to say: you jnow who i hate? FEMA. Bastards are saying we voluntarily withdrew our application for assistance. We did not. We have been waiting for the packet of materials so we could complete our application, but they never came. And now, when we call, we get a message saying they are so busy assisting other people they can't even keep us on hold, they're just gonna disconnect us.
Spitting. Nails.
{{{-t}}} That sucks. I hope you can find a way to get it straightened out.
Thanks, sj. i've typed up my appeal letter and will fax it off as soon as H has signed it. And mail a copy. And keep a copy for my files. And then wait for however long for them to get back in touch wit me for the next round. Gah.
No deposit back from my former property management co., either.
And it sounds like everyone else had a good day. Well, so did I aside from this foolishness. I should let it go, it's not that big a deal, just aggravation.
Oh no! I usually abbreviate to "Em" for the toddler because I always forget how to spell her name.
No problem. There's just a moment of puzzlement each time, is all.
How IS that Gymboree thing going, anyway?
Pretty well, I think -- I'm making some connections, doing some networking, and lately I've really been getting into this slide thing they have there.
Congrats on the possible job(s), Emily. I thought I saw mention of another one, or is that the same one? Anyway, aside from the locker weirdness, it sounds like a great opportunity.
and lately I've really been getting into this slide thing they have there.
It's gravitalicious. And we all know that gravity is just another way to be mathy...
Okay. We are breathing.
(Jilli font) Puppycat just found
a huge spider,
and not the first one in recent days. I squarshed the
and then had to hold Puppycat up to the
squish mark
on the wall to investigate and so she could satisfy her curiousity.
It was a big spider..
I'm not even totally
adverse but blech.
I am wide awake. This is not fair.
I still feel like crap. But, I have to go to school today. Plus, I have a meeting with my Independent Study professor that I'm TOTALLY not prepared for. Oh, well. All I can do is my best.