Yay, tommyrot!!
Yay, vw!!!
Yay, meara!!!
Em, quit kicking people. (except, of course, for your dad.)
sj, not pathetic at all.
Pretty good day for the Bitches. Love it!
I have 2 weeks left of this semester and then finals. I am thrilled beyond belief as this semester has been kicking my ever loving ass.
I did have one, really fantastic moment, though. The last day I was at my HS doing observations, I taught a lesson to 10th grade American Lit on symbolism in "The Minister's Black Veil." The kids were really into the lesson and seemed to be enjoying it. When class was over, one girl came up to me and said, "That was really fun. You did a good job."
Made my heart melt. See? Teenagers can be really cool and sweet. Love them.
He's home. He is on the phone now. Stupid meeting ran very very long.
Em, quit kicking people. (except, of course, for your dad.)
I'm NO-- oh. You know, I'm finding this really confusing. I mean, it always becomes clear in context, but there's always that initial, oh, someone's talking about me! ...and how much Gymboree costs. Okay, not me.
You know, I'm finding this really confusing
Oh no! I usually abbreviate to "Em" for the toddler because I always forget how to spell her name.
How IS that Gymboree thing going, anyway?
Hey Ginger! We got the Advent Calendar today. Thanks! Emmett was psyched to get mail.
I was entertained at the concept of a George Washington advent calendar. It's hardly the traditional approach.
A George Washington Advent Calendar sounds cool. I get my older nephew an advent calendar every year, but they are just the ones with Santa on them and they have a piece of chocolate hidden behind the window for each day. I bought one for Jimmy this year too, but the kind without chocolate.
Skipped like mad to say: you jnow who i hate? FEMA. Bastards are saying we voluntarily withdrew our application for assistance. We did not. We have been waiting for the packet of materials so we could complete our application, but they never came. And now, when we call, we get a message saying they are so busy assisting other people they can't even keep us on hold, they're just gonna disconnect us.
Spitting. Nails.
{{{-t}}} That sucks. I hope you can find a way to get it straightened out.
Thanks, sj. i've typed up my appeal letter and will fax it off as soon as H has signed it. And mail a copy. And keep a copy for my files. And then wait for however long for them to get back in touch wit me for the next round. Gah.
No deposit back from my former property management co., either.
And it sounds like everyone else had a good day. Well, so did I aside from this foolishness. I should let it go, it's not that big a deal, just aggravation.