I know no one in Portland
My best friend the ESL teacher and her husband the tattoo artist live there. Portland is cool (or, well, it was five years ago, anyway).
You know, it's a slightly unsettling thing to realize about myself, how much happier I am with low expectations. Not that I want to be complacent, but I like feeling that I have a good shot at excelling, rather than a possible shot at not failing. This is the sort of thing I don't plan to tell possible bosses. But "Mostly, just don't say anything creepy and personal" is the kind of thing that soothes me and makes me feel better about my prospects (and do better, I think. I'm not good under pressure).
"Mostly, just don't say anything creepy and personal"
Perhaps, once I've mastered this in the real world, I'll give another shot at grad school.
Avoid saying creepy personal things.
Somehow, Rick saying this makes me really want to hear stories of whacko people and their creepy personal statements...(is that creepy of me?)
Part of it is my problem of drawing the line between actual interests and enthusiasms, and Making Shit Up Because It Sounds Good. I draw the line much closer to reality than you really should when writing an application (much like when writing a resume or interviewing for a job)--not that people should completely make things up, but...for example. I took four semesters of ASL at Gallaudet. Just cause I wanted to. Deaf culture is interesting, sign is cool, languages are a thing for me. I could, in theory, be all "I wanna do public health and work with Deaf people!". Which would be valid, and possibly true. Or might not be. I mean, I wouldn't be averse to it. It could be pretty neat. Is it a deep and abiding goal of mine? Not really. Do I say it to have something to say in a personal statement? Hmmmm....
(also, now I'm tempted to write a fake personal statement about my online friends and slash, or something)
Somehow, Rick saying this makes me really want to hear stories of whacko people and their creepy personal statements...(is that creepy of me?)
In this context, I'd guess it's more "join the club". However, if you wrote a personal statement about how you want to go into academia so you can spend your golden years pointing and laughing at other people's creepy personal statements, that would be creepy. And weirdly recursive.
It's nice to come in here and be able to post a bunch of congratulations. I am glad everyone is having such a good day.
I got a 92 on my biology exam!!!
Woo Hoo, vw!!!
Yay Owen!!!
Yay, tommyrot, for the good medical news!!!
(Oh, I got my official GRE results Saturday, too! So Verbal=770 (/800, 99%ile), Math=790 (90%ile), and writing=6.0 (out of 6! 96%ile) Yeehaw! Why isn't real life more like taking multiple choice tests??? I'm *good* at those!)
Yay, meara!!!
now I'm tempted to write a fake personal statement about my online friends and slash
Thou shalt not slash thy online friends. Or at least don't admit it.
Dave hasn't called to say he is home from his meeting yet. I am getting worried. Someone tell me not to.
sj, he's standing outside the meeting, which has been over forever, talking to a couple people, and they didn't even realize what time it is.
So then I shouldn't call him again. He knows it's never too late to call me since I don't sleep very well when he's not here. And, I am really sounding pathetic, aren't I?