Sniff. I so need to go to LA again soon!! Darn work, sending me everywhere ELSE (next three/four weeks=Denver, Chicago, Tampa, Oregon, and Atlanta).
So. The deadline for applying for grad school is January 15th. I find out Jan 31 if I still have a job. That's totally enough justification to ask my boss to write a recommendation letter "just in case" right? And it won't like...make them lay me off, yeah?
Monkeypants! So cute!
I may just keep abusing exclamation points because the Saints just won!!
meara, it sounds like excellent justification, and I don't think it would incline them to lay you off if they weren't already going to. Out of curiosity, would you quit if you go to grad school?
So. The deadline for applying for grad school is January 15th. I find out Jan 31 if I still have a job. That's totally enough justification to ask my boss to write a recommendation letter "just in case" right? And it won't like...make them lay me off, yeah?
I think you can totally ask them for a rec letter. You are planning for the future, whatever that is. I don't think it would have an effect on the lay off plans at all.
I typed a big long post earlier today, with relevant comments about things other people said and everything, and then I hit "OK" rather than "Post message" and went to the beginning of the thread. So I bowed to my subconcious compulsion not to post right then, and since then I keep forgetting to say: we found a place to live. Benicia, baby. I think we are going to start moving our stuff in on December 5, and fully take up residence around the 17th (when we get back from New York). Yay.
Congratulations, T!!!!!!!!!!
Just let me know when you're ready to roll on your shower. Woo Hoo!
And I haven't written back about your visit! D'oh! I will tomorrow.
Yay, -t!!! Best of luck with the move.
Oh -t, that is wonderful news! So happy for you both.
Thanks, y'all. My parents have been great, but it will really be good to have my own place again.
Truly, truly,
yay -t! Let me know if there is anything I can do to help out.