why o why isn't there more water in my glass' and then, look utterly offended when I take the glass away to put more water in it.
Eternal mystery of the cat.
Have called the doctor on call. Am getting more of the kick ass cough syrup. Now must get out of fairy jammie pants to go to the pharmacy.
I don't think so. I've been lurking--pricing minivans online.
I just got up from a nap. I'm about to go out and forrage for food - pro'lly get me an italian sub on french bread, and them some incredibly nummy red "licorice" thingies.
I am putting off going to the pharmacy. Does that count as online?
Look how many people were around and not-posty!
Ohh, The Mummy is on tonight. I might need to go pop some popcorn. DH is giving Owen his bath.
Wasn't your MRI at some dreadful hour this morning, tommy?
I'm watching Numb3rs and wishing someone would deliver food to me.
Kristin is me. But, being a demandy sort today, I would also like my cough meds delivered too. Instead I shall pause Numb3ers and go fetch it myself. Which, really? First -world when it comes to issues.