vw! Hey, where's the printer paper? Also, hi!
And, you know, I just didn't feel like I was getting enough sympathy, so I said, hey, family? Could somebody else have a health scare, please? And they just love me so much, my uncle had a heart attack.
He should be fine. And he actually has insurance for the first time in two years, so all's well. But come on! This is getting embarrassing!
Mooooom, Emily is bogarting all of the family drama!
(I'm glad that your uncle's outlook is good and that he is well insured. ~ma shall be sent.)
Yeah. Want to not-back-out of Fay kissage. Wanna snog.(I get much attention from that story, you know.)
There's erika snoggage and we're all disappeared to our bunks?
Liar. But thanks...could use that today.
Ooh, Erika snoggage.
MRI~ma to tommy
Health~ma to Emily's uncle.
Kara has a fever of 101.4, the snot monster has taken her over, and she took a nap only to wake up because she'd thrown up. She was most distressed. Of course, now she's being mini-tyrant, demanding chicken noodle soup with actual chicken in, and such.
{{{Kara}}} {{{Cass}}} Health~ma to you both.
So happy today is over. I am eating the last of my grandfather's stuffing in a sandwich before I figure out what I am making for Dave for dinner. Oh, and my managers? They're psycho.
sj! you survived Black Friday and Black Saturday!
I am now ripping my college Janes Addiction and Beastie Boys CDs to the computer. Har.
Snot monster is in my chest. Coughing ouches.
Of course, now she's being mini-tyrant
Awww, fun with mom!
sj, I'm glad to see you made it through!
{{Cass}} {{Kara}} health-ma for them both.
We got home this afternoon only to discover our dogsitter never showed up. Two days. She never came over. I called her and she freaked out saying she was sorry that she "forgot". I'm glad we left them extra water--but everyone was hungry.
DH cleaned up the messes. Feh.