((((Raq's friends))))
It's lovely reading about the Thanksgiving preparations of my Bitches - and although I'm sorry that Jilli and Pete felt this TDay was a bit Bleah, I'm still cherishing the image of Jilli mixing chocolate martinis and smiling angelically while her mother unpacks utensils and hovers over the stove.
Dear merciful God, save me from Leftovers.
See how, in the World of Me, Weightloss likes carrots? I'm pretty damned sure that Weightloss DOESN'T like leftovers like sweetpotato casserole and stuffing. Or apple pie. Or apple crumble. Or custard. Or...
Oh, again, dear. Curse your pesky Ritual Sacrifice with Pie!
Props to Jars for making her neighbour Thanksgiving Dinner - that's a lovely thing to do. Go you. (Is he cute?)
My flatmate and I did
make dinner for all our American friends - but we did
dinner for 30 people or so (half again the number we were actually expecting...our upstairs neighbours sort of co-opted the event. Which is fair enough, as it's their holiday, but it did leave my flatmate wide-eyed and shell shocked at the fact that she didn't know most of the mass of people who were making themselves at home in her home. She hid outside in the hall with our friend K [the only person we'd actually personally invited] and watched everyone nervously). I made some vegetables, she made an apple crumble and custard, and we both contributed financially to the turkey. And yet still we have quite a lot of leftovers - even though 85 - 90% of the leftovers left the building last night with those who brought the dishes. Sigh.
SF is sounding like it's
place to be, if you're a Buffista. I'm envious.
...and another thing that Weightloss doesn't like? A sedentary lifestyle.
This week I have been to the gym
and only once. Which sucks, because last week I made it four times and this week I've been all "but I want to go to the gym!!!" every day, but have let other stuff get in the way. And then when I
had nothing to get in the way, and went striding merrily off to the gym... I discovered that they were closed. Because they're moving into sexy new premises across the road. Damn it. The new place opens on Sunday.
And, yes, I
have still gone for a walk. But - I didn't. I came home and had a bath and felt grumpy.
Can go to the gym tomorrow, and resume healthy eating tomorrow. This has been a bad week for food and exercise - went to a Murder Mystery Dinner thing night before last (the butler, surprisingly, didn't do it), and a friend cooked for me the day before that, and...one way or another I'm feeling quite glum, and depressingly convinced that I'll have regained a pound or two.
But never mind, eh? Tomorrow is another day.
...incidentally - next F2F in San Francisco in May? What date? Not that I'll be available, I suppose, but...well, damn it, I miss you guys.
May 19th - 21st, Fay. Deb's set us up with a pretty spiffy and accommodating hotel.
Fay, you really need to come to the next F2F. We miss your face.
We miss your face.
We do. And all the rest of you, particularly the spicy brains.
And I haven't even ever met you! That's just wrong.
Interesting "ribbon" [link]
I can say from personal experience that Fay is one of the least disappointing people on the interpipe. She is all of her Fay-self in person, and then plus the scrumptious sexiness of her actual self. Plus, rather giggly. With a charming British accent.
insent to Anne & Vortex.