...and another thing that Weightloss doesn't like? A sedentary lifestyle.
This week I have been to the gym
and only once. Which sucks, because last week I made it four times and this week I've been all "but I want to go to the gym!!!" every day, but have let other stuff get in the way. And then when I
had nothing to get in the way, and went striding merrily off to the gym... I discovered that they were closed. Because they're moving into sexy new premises across the road. Damn it. The new place opens on Sunday.
And, yes, I
have still gone for a walk. But - I didn't. I came home and had a bath and felt grumpy.
Can go to the gym tomorrow, and resume healthy eating tomorrow. This has been a bad week for food and exercise - went to a Murder Mystery Dinner thing night before last (the butler, surprisingly, didn't do it), and a friend cooked for me the day before that, and...one way or another I'm feeling quite glum, and depressingly convinced that I'll have regained a pound or two.
But never mind, eh? Tomorrow is another day.
...incidentally - next F2F in San Francisco in May? What date? Not that I'll be available, I suppose, but...well, damn it, I miss you guys.
May 19th - 21st, Fay. Deb's set us up with a pretty spiffy and accommodating hotel.
Fay, you really need to come to the next F2F. We miss your face.
We miss your face.
We do. And all the rest of you, particularly the spicy brains.
And I haven't even ever met you! That's just wrong.
Interesting "ribbon" [link]
I can say from personal experience that Fay is one of the least disappointing people on the interpipe. She is all of her Fay-self in person, and then plus the scrumptious sexiness of her actual self. Plus, rather giggly. With a charming British accent.
insent to Anne & Vortex.
Cass, did you have a mathy question?
In semi-mathy news, I got an email from my advisor yesterday with a posting of a job teaching 11th grade trigonometry and pre-calc and 12th grade AP calculus at what sounds like a dream school:
In general, each teacher: teaches no more than 4 classes per day; has no more than 22 students per class; has two, daily hour-long planning periods; is eligible for partial course reimbursement in support of classroom teaching and additional stipends for teaching Saturday School and receives his/her own computer, professional workspace, e-mail, phone and voice-mail, and Internet access.
Now, this is a little nervous-making, as I'd gotten used to the idea of having the student-teaching semester to ease me into it, but after some parental consultation I've decided that the best thing to do is say, "Oh yes!" and see what happens, because if I really don't have enough experience for them, they won't hire me, so no harm done. But the best part of it was this: "I asked you because you are my best student who is not already teaching."
So my heart is all warmed and stuff.
Fay is one of the least disappointing people on the interpipe.
I've seen Peeps vid... That's a lot of Fayness to live up to.