Also, Jars made a Thanksgiving dinner for a homesick neighbor.
We need to hear the end of the Saga of the Ring.
Deena, I hope you find the best possible house with the least possible cost and hassle. I really liked the house you linked to.
I didn't drive to my family's for Thanksgiving because I'm in the middle of a medical treatment, but that just meant I got two Thanksgiving dinners at friends', one yesterday and one this afternoon.
I want to echo Cindy's sentiments and say that I'm very thankful for my friends, both visible and blinvisible. May all of you have more to be thankful for each Thanksgiving.
Hubby's had several colonoscopies, the latest on Wednesday. We went out to lunch afterwards, then he spent the rest of the day sleeping off the rest of the anesthesia. He was a little groggy yesterday, but I think that's just because of his system protesting all the stuff that's happened to him. You should be fine a day later, Deena.
Cocloscopies are worse, um, BEFORE you have them. The system clearing out you have to do is not fun. The next day you'll be fine.
We need to hear the end of the Saga of the Ring.
Well, Frodo and Sam get to the Cracks of Doom and Sam's all "Toss it in, so we can starve to death outside where it's cooler" and Frodo's all "Yeah, okay, gimme a minute" and then Sam's all "Seriously, dude, I'm sweating balls here" and Frodo goes all "MWAHAHAHAHA!! The Ring is mine, beeyotch, so suck it!" but Gollum's all "I think not 'master'! I keel you! Woh-pah!" and he bites Frodo's finger off and then he fell in the lava.
Oh, the other Saga of the Other Ring?
Drains snaked. No ring. Water running. T-day saved. And then Gollum fell in the gravy.
Hope everyone had a good T-Day. I did, and my hosts were quite lovely and understanding about the mini-meltdowns I had before and after guests.
Cindy, thank you for your post. That was lovely.
Hey! Who taught the baby to headbut??
Drains snaked. No ring
I bet she finds it in the bottom of her purse or in a pocket.
Hey! Who taught the baby to headbut??
First bet, the other half of her genetic legacy.
I bet she finds it in the bottom of her purse or in a pocket.
That's my guess, too, Connie. She says she didn't hear it fall into the sink. These are cast iron sinks - she wuld have heard it. I bet if it's not there, it's in laundry or something else she was doing that day. Maybe I'll go up there and find it for her. I'm good at that.
I bet her husband pawned it to rent an apartment for his girlfriend.