I bet she finds it in the bottom of her purse or in a pocket.
That's my guess, too, Connie. She says she didn't hear it fall into the sink. These are cast iron sinks - she wuld have heard it. I bet if it's not there, it's in laundry or something else she was doing that day. Maybe I'll go up there and find it for her. I'm good at that.
I bet her husband pawned it to rent an apartment for his girlfriend.
My mother taught me to pray to St. Anthony when stuff was lost. Worth a shot I say. I hope she put it "somewhere safe" and in the flurry of holiday activity forgot.
Girlfriend, schmirlfriend. I'll bet he pawned to pay for law school.
I'm not sure it would cover law school. Maybe the books for law school.
Deena, insent.
Our thanksgiving was terrific- mom, Emily, Theodosia, food, wine, and mathy talk! Oh, and Scrabble.
'scopy-ma, Deena. Sometime (but not today) I'll tell the story of DH's 'scopy. Also, no-other-people buying your house before you get to see it vibes.
Thanks for the summing up. Sorry the ring wasn't found, but yeah, I'll bet it's under the bed or in the bottom of her purse. And also, sorry about the extra special hoops Aimee had to jump through getting the Thanksgiving dinner ready without water or drainage.
Yay! for neighbors inviting you to Thanksgiving Friday dinner, Ginger. I'm all for an extended holiday centered around food, you betcha.
Thanks for the info, guys. Some gastro website told me not to lift over 5 lbs for the next week. Aidan weighs 30 lbs. and Kara weighs 50. Ain't no way I can get away with only 5 lbs. I feel much better. I am NOT looking forward to the prep, though. I have to stop my arthritis meds today.
Some gastro website told me not to lift over 5 lbs for the next week.
Huh. Hubby's never been told to limit activity for a colonoscopy. Though full sympathies on the prep work, love.
So slow here today that I have managed to read 3 weeks of COMM. Now only 1233 posts to read. It's a no skip zone for me so I'm always far behind. I've just gone from the last week of October '04 through November 17th. There was little COMM worthy after the election. It appears the board was in a melancholy state of shock.
With the board so slow I may get through the rest of 2004.
ION, DH set up a new home computer network arrangement. So now I am transferring all my ahemed television shows off of my laptop and on to the new home machine to clear up a few zillion bites. It's a very slow process, but now I'll be able to conveniently watch the shows on the big screen and good sound without having to burn to VCD. Yay!