Deena!!! The house is so pretty. Tons of house~ma to you.
I said it before but it bears repeating...
I am up headed out shopping like one of the crazy people in a little bit,
Can someone translate this into Cass for me? It makes no sense as is.
I think I am adequately medicated for the nonce so that sleep is once again in my future.
So apparently getting horrifically drunk and playing Trivial Pursuits is part of the Thanksgiving tradition. Who knew?
Hey, that's my family's tradition too! Except my parents split the duties: my mom got drunk and my dad kicked ass at Trivial Pursuit.
Thank you, Cindy!
Thanksgiving went well for me. I went to my parents' place, put up and decorated their Christmas tree, put up some other decorations, cooked the Thanksgiving dinner, did the dishes, went home, collapsed with a shot of scotch, and read fic until my back decided not to hate me.
Now that Mom's off the chemo her hair is starting to come back, and she has the cutest half inch of silver fuzz on her head. Dad has made good on his 30-year-long threat to grow a beard and it acutally looks pretty good on him. My dinner kicked ass--just Thanksgiving day basics (turkey, stuffing, waldorf salad, rolls, pie) but they all turned out pretty well.
Now I'm at work in a nearly empty office. I like the quiet.
Now I'm at work in a nearly empty office. I like the quiet.
Me too. Or at least as quiet as it can be with a Robbie Williams CD playing.
Commuter traffic was almost non-existent.
Is it Robbie Williams that killed the thread, or easy commuter traffic?
I think a lot of folks are still in an l-tryp haze. Or shopping. Or enjoying the "sleeping in" function of a day off.
Out of about 20 coworkers, I've seen three in the office today. Eh, one of them is the Editor in Chief, so being seen in the office today by him can't hurt.
There are 3 people from the division here today. Fortunately or un-, one of them is the Assistant Director (my immediate boss), whose office is right across the hall from mine.
(sneaks in, head down)
I skipped 2,000 posts. sorry.
Hi. Housema to Deena, Cindy that was a fabulous, wonderful post and I'm just gonna point--well, more of a graceful handwavy gesture, really--at it and you and nod.
Four generations at my MIL's table, and there was not enough left on the turkey carcass to make soup. Everything was delicious, as usual, and she wouldn't let anybody lift a finger to lay the table, clear, or do dishes. So, aside from the guilt, Thanksgiving was lovely.
Missed you all. If there's any direness or joy I need know about, can someone sum up? Thanks.