Consummation is all, when it comes to turkey.
Cranberry sauce is cooling on the counter, bread dough rising in the fridge. Pie in the oven. Time to make the stuffing. This is my great grandmother's recipe that my mom wrote down when she was a girl and i copied from her. 6 ines of instructions, including the ingredients. Yum. I think it's in the Buffista Cookbook.
I also hate that Hec's boss is such a raving lunatic cunt-pie ©Allyson
Thanks, Cash. Hating my enemies for me is one of the truest signs of friendship.
I am not cooking a damn thing tonight. I did buy very yummy smelling rosemary rolls at the bakery, and then got a lovely looking lemon tart (to augment the apple and pumpkin pies of tomorrow).
I applied liquor and a long telephone call to Jen to my bad mood, and lo, it is lifted.
JZ is still at work and should come home now.
In other news, though my cool coworker is leaving, I have finagled it such that my minion is returning to help alleviate my impending massive load of work. It will be nice to work with my minion again.
Bird is brining, cranberry sauce is cooling, cornbread for stuffing is baking, bread dough is rising.
Hey - thought I'd share
A gay onion.
you know I have to post this . this guy was in a parking lot in my town - pulling a truck with a body part
and i have to post in Natter as well.
I think I killed you all ded.
more gravy for me
Happy Thanksgiving, Bitches!
I gotta work....
Happy Thanksgiving, Andi! I'm sorry you have to work.
Happy Thanksgiving, Bitches!
Can I just say? There is not enough coffee in the world. Yes, I am up for the day. Cab will be here at 4am. I have much to do before then, but first, I need coffee, which my wonderful roommate made for me.
Oh, butter tarts. We always have to have those around x-mas or whenever someone comes back from Canada because my mom loved them.
Oh, man. My aunts always have those. I don't actual like them, but I've got some Pavlovian nostalgia going on now. Weird.
In my fridge, we have 7lbs of cooked sweet potato, two jars of gingerbread syrup, and when I get 'round to making it, will have one thing of spiced cranberry sauce. No port, so I'm using brandy this year.