Bad fever, leave Maidengurl alone!
I have cut up bread to be ade into stuffing. We'll be making cranberry sauce and pie after dinner. And the bread dough that will be formed into cornucopias for to put roasted veggies in. And baking the sweet potatoes so they are ready to be casserolized (no marshmallows!). I think that's it until tomorrow. We found a 6 lb kosher turkey at Trader Joe's, so we're gonna try not brining and startig roasting around noon or so. Very different from my usual T-day experience of getting up at the crack of dawn to get the turkey in the oven.
I don't know that I've ever had canned cranberry sauce. I like the homemade okay, but I wouldn't really miss it if it wasn't there. Henry likes making it though - it's easy and everyone (well, his mom) are really impressed that he went to the trouble.
We are not having mashed potatoes tomorrow. We eat mashed potatoes frequently, though, so I'm not feeling the lack. In fact, I had some for lunch today. I've always made them with the water the potatoes were boiled in and some margarine, so I've had trouble with the concept that vegan mashed potatoes are something special. I have tried tem made with whipped cream, and, I have to say, yum. What they really must have, though, is garlic cloves boiled with the potatoes and mashed into them. Oh yeah.
I like brown gravy made with drippings, but mom&dad are vegetarian, so we're gonna try a veggie based gravy tomorrow. I might make my usual kind if there's time and stove top space after the bird comes out of the oven, I do like it muchly.
I am baking the chocolate cake recipe that my recently deceased grandmother always made for Thanksgiving. My dad and I are pretty much the only ones who eat it, but it's not Thanksgiving without crappy (it really isn't all that good - the official recipe starts with "get the cheapest chocolate cake mix you can find on sale...") chocolate cake.
Cranberry sauce: Yes, but a little goes a long way.
Sweet potatoes w/ marshmallows on top: barf
Mmmmm gravy.
Yum sweet potatoes, hold the marshmellows please.
True confessions: I have made all this stuff from scratch, torn up all the bread, etc. Except the mashed potatoes. I bought a couple of the already made ones in the margarine like containers. It was that or none at all.
sj, have you toasted your bread yet? Sorry to disappear on you, but I had to get motivated. I've now done the cranberry sauce and made myself some dinner, which I didn't realize I hadn't done until I looked at the clock and it said it was 8. Eek! But, the sauce is done, the dishwasher unloaded and reloaded. Now, to hit the grocery store for whipped cream (the can is very, very light, now), gravy mix and maybe some baby carrots for munchies.
sj, have you toasted your bread yet?
Not yet. I have made my dip and peanut butter brownies, but I am going to wait until morning to toast the bread and put the dip in it.
I am doing the dishes, frying up some hamburger and onions, watching House, reading Bitches, playing with the cats, and chatting online.
Or I may have ADD...
In the fridge, I have:
rolls, rising overnight
creamed spinach
butternut squash with sage
20 lb brined turkey, drying
2 turkey legs and 2 turkey thighs (for smoking!)
an apple pie cheesecake
cranberry sauce
mushroon tart filling
ingredients for all the things I haven't started working on yet
By this time tomorrow, I will likely be dead from exhaustion and overeating, but I will be the happiest dead woman alive.
Just so you know - after reading this thread , I was absolutely fucking starving by the time I got to work( about 2) . I was rewarded - because of "Pie Day" . The city buy tons of Pies for the city employees. mmm... pie.
then when I got home - a neighbor though we needed sustance before thanksgiving - so she brought over vietnamese food ( homemade) (authentic) . So even though I was getting hungry while catching up... I am very full of yummy food.
I am wondering how soon we get to start eating tomorrow.
The cake layers are now cooling, and will be frosted tomorrow morning.
And now, I'm going to curl up in bed with a Terry Pratchett novel and call it a night.
DH want to know if the Turkey foreplay is better than the Turckey consumation?
( and he left the room so y'all have to deal with my spelling)