Damn, Hec is good.
I've been thinking of not changing the length much, just the shape. I'm hoping the stylist I get is someone who is creative and willing to help me find something. I have yet to find a new stylist that I adore since I got dumped by the too-fabulous-for-his-own-good-stylist I used to go to.
I was even 5 minutes early.
Goodness, how is that possible? Did you forget to put pants on or something?
I was 10 minutes late. Pretty good for me on a Wednesday. Usually, I'm at least 20 minutes late on Wednesdays.
t smootches academia where no one cares if you're late
Goodness, how is that possible? Did you forget to put pants on or something?
I didn't stop for coffee on the way.
I didn't stop for coffee on the way.
That's way worse than missing your pants.
Wow, Hec. I'm not sure if I could pull some of those off....but I think I'm getting a better idea of what I want.
Accidentally burned a couple of fingers while pouring hot water for my mid-afternoon cup of soup.
First-degree, looks like. More ouchie than serious.
Sparky, that principal is not only a FUCKO, but he's incompetent. I'd love to hear his school board's reaction to his "handling" of the situation.
Connie!!!! Yay!!!!!
He certainly does sound incompetent, especially in today's climate.
I just called the Ohio Quit Line, talked to the counselor and will be receiving patches on or around the 9th of November, official quit date the 14th of November. Am a nervous wreck.
"boys will be boys and they were just roughhousing"
How long is the step between just being a boy and committing aggravated assault? Sometimes I wonder.
DCJ: Heh! Great story.
Aidan thwacking the 'puter and cursing: BWAH! I knew I loved that boy. I foresee many more great stories about Deena's babies.
Weather bad. Work dull. All by myself in the office with very little incentive to hurry up and do some more nothing. Feh. Do not want to go shopping and see scads of Christmas crap, it makes me want to get rid of all my stuff and start anew with a Japanese minimalist style.