Rosa Parks has died.
Crap. Well, she lived a long life and became an icon. Can't beat that.
Oddly, I am thinking of Sports Night.
Dan Rydell:
Because it's the way things are done.
Dan Rydell:
Well, sitting on the back of the bus is how things were done until a little old lady decided to do something about it. Frankly, I'm not impressed with the way things are done, Isaac.
Danny, you know I love you, right?
Dan Rydell:
And because I love you I can tell you this: no young rich white guy has ever gotten anywhere with me by comparing himself to Rosa Parks.
Quick question:
I was digging around to figure out who my potential boss would be for a UW position I just applied for through HR. I found her, but her directory listing doesn't include an email. Would it be better for me to send her a letter or a fax for that personal touch saying I'm reallyo trulyo interested in the job? (If you say phone call, I will ignore you. I've used up all my reserves for fighting the phone fear already this year on editors and agents for conference.)
In re: girly dinner night, I may need to postpone it a bit. I'm in deep with the school and stuff for the GF and am unsure if I can do this week. Next week, though, please! I need a girly dinner night, damn it!
{{Gud}} Sorry you have to deal. I took over the bill-paying responsibilities since I decided to home and it can be overwhelming and stressful so I can totally see just saying, "I can't deal with this". As much as I hate stressing about money, though, the prefer knowing what's going on because that gives me some sense of control about the situation.
Teppy, I hate that it's SADS time again. I've been feeling it creep up on me and the craptacular weather we've been having ain't helping at all.
Oh, Gud, You didn't need more. I'm so sorry.
I have cramps. Ick. I hope they go away soon, as I have a busy day.
Susan, phone call to the department admin to get her email address. Much less anxious than calling to actually, you know, talk to her.
Gud, I'm so sorry about all of this.
Gud, given what you said about your day on Sunday, and now this with the bills, it's sounding more and more to me like your wife needs some serious professional intervention for her depression or whatever it might be. The idea of talking to a counselor at her church about your concerns sounds like a good one, especially if there's a chance your wife will take comments from you as more evidence that you're being a meanie.
I really, really hope this all gets worked out.
Has anyone heard from Laura?
Yeah, Ginger. She e-mailed me yesterday, and I posted it in Beep Me.
Has anyone heard from Laura?
Not since vw posted her message in Beep Me yesterday. I wonder if the Treo has run out of power.