I'm not expecting to be madly in love with this job by any means. But the hours are regular and the money is good. If I hate it, at least I'll be hating it while paying down the credit card debt as I look for something better.
Aw, it's like you're in my brain.
I have no code thing. Sorry.
Susan! Congratulations on the offer!
Hmmm, wonder if this otter program is going to repeat.
Animal Planet and yes, it repeats three times (west coast) in the next twelve hours. You should record it and watch it over and over and over.
Holy whaaaaaa?!!?!? I think the right guy for mayor might actually have a chance of winning. Whoa. Color me Keanau.
Why does this guy think vacum cleaners don't work? What is this lost suction he's babbling about?
Generally some people are too stupid to replace bags/clean their vacuum cleaners.
The problem is, they won't want to clean their bagless vac, either.
And seriously-- you plug it in, throw the switch, push the thing around, the crap is off the carpet. What IS that guy on about?
My vacuum lost suction recently. I actually managed to fix it this weekend - turned out the problem was a ginormous clog of dog hair in the tube, so compressed that if I'd kept trying to vacuum for much longer, I might've had me a diamond.
But at least the carpets are clean again.
I have to have bagless. I don't buy new bags. Of course I hate vacuuming with the passion of a thousand firey suns but seeing the stuff and dumping it out makes me feel like I am at least accomplishing something.
Who is this vacuum cleaner guy?
Sure, dog hair happens -- but Dyson Boy makes it sound like you push the thing around for thirty seconds before you have to flip it over and go at it with a chopstick.
I'm thinking of getting Mom a Roomba.