"stepfather" is much nicer than "that thing my mother is married to"
I use "My father's third wife" when I have to refer to her. Even though they have been married 16 years, she has never been a "step-mother" or "step-mom" or anything like that to me.
seriously, if she can't plan the next 10 min. show up , but be prepared to leave. For me, I am a 24-48 hour wallower. I get tired of the wallowing , no matter how bad I feel. However, over something seriousI might go in and out of wallow zone for awhile.
she's sought solace at her folks' for the day, so I'll see what's going on once it's a little closer to quitting time. They might be doing well with providing the comfort without my help...
That sounds good Nora. flexibility is the key.
I seriously do not want to go to work today.
Bosslady keeps telling me the new guy says I'm too bossy. I told bosslady I'd start talking to him like I talk to the clients, see if he notices. I'm also telling bosslady at least one of the clients does not like him. At. All. I can't give her meds to her if he is in the room.
He also complained that I don't show him how to do programs (exercises and daily living skills) with the clients like I should. Except that he had already been shown how to do them, and when I asked if he was comfortable doing them on his own, he said yes.
(I suppose "stepfather" sounds weirdly formal -- it's just that he only married my mother this year and I've only met him a handful of times, so "stepdad" is kind of odd for me.)
Ooops. I'm pretty sure I referred to him as "stepdad," upthread. Sorry.
Ok...lab report is submitted. I think I'm going to bed. I feel like crap. Blech.
Yay, vw! Hope your nap helps.
Why is the pasta forbidden to Lily?
Too young. Have not yet introduced pretty much anything contained in the pasta or sauce.
Emily, much vibing for your stepfather.
Anybody have any recs for cheap yet useful graphics programs or web authoring tools? I use Photoshop and Dreamweaver, but I've been asked to recommend something cheaper, for someone who is not a professional.
PS Elements or Paint Shop Pro
Web authoring, I've got no clue if you're person is looking for WYSIWYG, but Homesite's nice.
Have good nap, VW!
Aimee, that sucks.