Why is the pasta forbidden to Lily?
Too young. Have not yet introduced pretty much anything contained in the pasta or sauce.
Emily, much vibing for your stepfather.
Anybody have any recs for cheap yet useful graphics programs or web authoring tools? I use Photoshop and Dreamweaver, but I've been asked to recommend something cheaper, for someone who is not a professional.
PS Elements or Paint Shop Pro
Web authoring, I've got no clue if you're person is looking for WYSIWYG, but Homesite's nice.
Have good nap, VW!
Aimee, that sucks.
anybody know of a good sorce for fingerless gloves? practical - not fashionable. my hands are tunrning into blocks of ice when the rest of me is quite warm. and there are a bunch of people in the family that have raynaud's so I am assuming that could be an issue for me...
I like it. esp. since even the largest one would change the emphasis of the words on me.
What does it say? I can't read it from here.
There should be a version of that shirt for big tits, and I'm not sure the large is big enough.
Written over the chest: "Who needs these with a brain like this?"
Aimee, I would be happy to take care of Em until Joe is off work. No problemo.
no one knows where I can find fingerless gloves. and I can't shop at Target, because they allow their Pharmasists to refuse to dispense perscribed medication ( the pill, or the morningafter pill ) if it goes against their relgion.
Beth, try Froogle:
I hit the "Under $10.00" page and got lots of stuff.