Seems like a perfectly good excuse for a Xanex or a Valium if you ask me. Remember to mention this to your doctor.
Oh, yes. Good drugs. I'm now madly in love with Cashmere. Okay, I already was, but now I'm admitting it.
never had one, don't know anything about them - but I know you will be fine!
The doctor seemed to enjoy telling me about it, with the accompanying graphic depiction of innards on the wall. I will be given general anesthesia. It will cause amnesia so I won't even know that there's a 4 foot long tube of light going up my ass. Then I will have to be given a ride home.
Suzi, want me to do it for you?
Sorry. I hope Aidan's ear infection clears up quickly.
Thanks, sj. The drugstore didn't have the medication, so we'll be picking it up tomorrow. I think it will be okay pretty quickly, though they'll both probably be missing school all week again.
I actually like PowerPoints, so no biggie Deena. The torture part is I thought I was DONE!!!!! It is, like, not fair...pout...and all that rot.
I have two slides done...
Too many things being poked into the Deena family.
Yes, no more poking unless it's in fun.... or something like that.
Windsparrow and I watched
Shawn of the Dead
last night. We decided to drive to the store to drop it off soon thereafter.
As we were driving back home, the power in our grid went out and stayed out for more than 90 minutes.
It's a damn good thing it did not happen during or immediately after the movie, is all I'm saying. Funny movie, but that would have been cree-pee.
That was a funny movie. Greg and I both enjoyed it.
Suzi, how many slides to go?
I'm DONE!!!!!!!
Didn't someone promise cake when I was done? Or was that yesterday?