Windsparrow and I watched
Shawn of the Dead
last night. We decided to drive to the store to drop it off soon thereafter.
As we were driving back home, the power in our grid went out and stayed out for more than 90 minutes.
It's a damn good thing it did not happen during or immediately after the movie, is all I'm saying. Funny movie, but that would have been cree-pee.
That was a funny movie. Greg and I both enjoyed it.
Suzi, how many slides to go?
I'm DONE!!!!!!!
Didn't someone promise cake when I was done? Or was that yesterday?
Billytea - based on this excerpt, "Monkyluv" appears to be destined for your must-read list:
In "Bugs in the Brain," he describes a parasite that infects the brains of rats without any effect on their behavior except that they lose their instinctual aversion to the smell of cats and, instead, are drawn to it. Needless to say, such absurdly obliging prey is quickly gobbled up: bad for the rat but great for the parasite, since it can only reproduce inside a cat host. The next generation hitches a ride out on the cat's feces, which are ingested by rats to start the cycle over again.
Via Ezra Klein,
t stuffs chocolate cake into internet
Oooooh, nummy crumbs are falling out on this end! THANKS Trudes!
Cake, even squashy, is not to be sneered at.
I have no cake. I have the makings of rice krispy treats because Nick can eat them. I should make some tomorrow.
Billytea - based on this excerpt, "Monkyluv" appears to be destined for your must-read list:
That's an excellent parasite. My favourite remains the ant-controlling parasite that conspires to get them eaten by sheep. I have put this book on my list. And look at that! I have a gift voucher for Borders! Gosh, how about that.