Bless you, Jen. Now if I could just make it larger. My screensaver would alternate between that and ASH as Frank.
ETA: How much do I love that it's saved as eyeliner01, and my computer told me I'd have to either save it as something else or replace?
Bleah. I have to have a colonoscopy in a couple of weeks.
As unfun as this is, I'm glad you're having one. My uncle's in the last stages of colon cancer so I prefer my buffistas to have lots of early-detection medical attention. When my uncle was diagnosed, both my parents went out and promptly got scoped.
Thanks, Cash. It's weirding me out a little, but I'm sure it will be okay.
Deena, could you hop on AIM for a minute?
It's weirding me out a little, but I'm sure it will be okay.
Seems like a perfectly good excuse for a Xanex or a Valium if you ask me. Remember to mention this to your doctor.
I am so flipping tired.
I just finished my paper. I went back to the syllabus to make sure I covered all the required points and discovered I need to create an accompanying PowerPoint.
Ok, not that hard to do, but I thought I was DONE.
In not so MEMEMEME land (yes, I do see past my nose sometimes) - Deena, glad the doc appts went well, sorry about the grody ear for Aiden. I have nothing on a colonscopy - never had one, don't know anything about them - but I know you will be fine!
I missed Deena's update post entirely. Sorry. I hope Aidan's ear infection clears up quickly. Good luck with the colonoscopy, Deena.
Seems like a perfectly good excuse for a Xanex or a Valium if you ask me. Remember to mention this to your doctor.
Oh, yes. Good drugs. I'm now madly in love with Cashmere. Okay, I already was, but now I'm admitting it.
never had one, don't know anything about them - but I know you will be fine!
The doctor seemed to enjoy telling me about it, with the accompanying graphic depiction of innards on the wall. I will be given general anesthesia. It will cause amnesia so I won't even know that there's a 4 foot long tube of light going up my ass. Then I will have to be given a ride home.
Suzi, want me to do it for you?
Sorry. I hope Aidan's ear infection clears up quickly.
Thanks, sj. The drugstore didn't have the medication, so we'll be picking it up tomorrow. I think it will be okay pretty quickly, though they'll both probably be missing school all week again.
I actually like PowerPoints, so no biggie Deena. The torture part is I thought I was DONE!!!!! It is, like, not fair...pout...and all that rot.
I have two slides done...