Mmmm. I want brownie sundaes!
Survived work today, and I seem to have found the person to talk to if I want anything accomplished. I spoke to one of them about the fact that they are overscheduling me, and she immediately spoke to all of the managers, who all feigned ignorance (which is complete bullshit). She promised me that it won't happen again. We'll see... The best part of today is no crippling pain! Some minor, annoying pain, but that is manageable.
LOS ANGELES, California (AP) -- Actress Sutton Foster was rehearsing a number called "I'm An Accident Waiting to Happen" earlier this week when she fell and broke her arm.
Aww. Poor Sutton. She's one of those theater actresses I'll actually seek out, ever since I saw her do Millie (the Thoroughly Modern one). Totally, completely brilliant actress/dancer/singer is she. I actually wroter her a fan letter. My second ever - first was to Jerry Spinelli after reading Stargirl.
Brownie sundaes are served.
Don't suppose there's a Hil around for me to heartlessly exploit for her spicy math brains?
I've got two questions left for tomorrow, and NO CLUE.
Emily, I can probably help. Or make Gershwin Girl do it. Both of us know algebra.
Brownie sundaes are served.
Waaaaaaaaa. I haven't had dinner yet and am still chugging on this darned paper.
Brownie sundaes sound very tempting right now.
The best part of today is no crippling pain!
That's wonderful! And I hope they get their acts together with scheduling.
Ewan McGregor in makeup!
Ewan McGregor looks a lot like Eddie Izzard in that picture.
Survived work today, and I seem to have found the person to talk to if I want anything accomplished. I spoke to one of them about the fact that they are overscheduling me, and she immediately spoke to all of the managers, who all feigned ignorance (which is complete bullshit). She promised me that it won't happen again. We'll see... The best part of today is no crippling pain! Some minor, annoying pain, but that is manageable.
This sounds much better, sj. Go you for taking the issue to someone that can do something about it. I hope the situation keeps improving.
Yay! Okay, here are my two remaining issues:
If a finite group has only one subgroup of a particular order, how do I know that subgroup is normal? Also, I need a group which has no elements of finite order greater than one, but which has a factor group with all finite elements. Any takers?
(Not that I think any subgroup is abnormal. I would never want to put that kind of pressure on a subgroup, which after all is constantly living in the shadow of the Big G, which is having its own issues about the lingering possibility of being called simple.)