I am debating the farmer's market this morning. It's lovely but my alstromeria are still lovely, the tuberrose is tubering and really it is only the bird of paradise that is not doing anything for me - and the bloom itself is still all fresh, I just get no joy from it.
Ahem, I am grateful that I can even have this quandry knowing that for less than $10, I can fill the house with flowers. What did I do before farmer's markets and Trader Joe's because I certainly live better than it used to cost with them around.
My doctor wanted my first mammogram this year but the insurance won't fight if we do it next year so we are going with that. I am 34. Guess they factored in those risk factors pretty seriously.
Kristin, come down here and lounge with me. More fun than grading or apt hunting.
If the rash came on just as the fever dropped, it could be roseola (very benign), which Eve had at about 9 months: [link] I don't know that diarrhea is a symptom, but some kids seem to get diarrhea at the drop of a hat.
But then my mother won't even get a Pap and she's already had uterine cancer... She's too wuwu for me on this one. I say live right and believe good things but get the damn tests too.
What's your stupidpaper about? Maybe we could trade stupidpapers!
Thanks for the link, flea! That eases my mind a bit. He's acting totally normally so I'm not in panic mode. It just seemed like the weird symptoms were piling on the poor kid.
I am debating the farmer's market this morning
I'm pictuing you at one podium and I don't know what at the other
So, I planned out my afternoon. I'm going to henna up and do some homework.
Except I'm lazy and don't wanna go start the henna. Bad Emily.
I am debating the farmer's market this morning
I'm pictuing you at a podium and I don't know what at the other
A bushel of organic produce, perhaps?
Trudy, are you hungover after your booze-soaked evening last night?
Emily, stupidpaper is a regurgitative paper about the Child of the Second Plane (ages 6-12), what they're like, and what they classroom for them is like.
What's yours?
I'm pictuing you at one podium and I don't know what at the other
Probably some Gerber daisies.
We're at the assend of a lot of the daintier flowers and I'm not as good at arranging the more fall-ish stuff so the options are a little more limited than in spring and summer.
Besides, Gerbers are tricksey.