Yay Fay! My dieting efforts are same old thing. I do well for 3 days, then Pizza, do well for 3 days, then deep fried appetizer at some restaurant, do well for 3 days, then Halloween candy. Repeat for about 10 years. Blah.
My mother has returned to Florida for the winter. I’ll be headed over to see her shortly. DH is bringing the chain saw to help get her place cleaned up. I’m bring laundry to get caught up. And maybe flowers.
DH has left for his week alone at the beach.
I need to talk my DH into doing that, with the boys of course. Oh what I could get done with a week with no boys!
Daniel bought me a handful of carnations. They are bright and pretty.
I bought eight. I would have given a dozen, but the ones left there after the floral area closed for the day were a little picked over. I extracted the ones I felt met my standards of quality for Andi.
I would rather give eight pretty flowers than a dozen with several iffy blooms.
Besides, eight is a random-ish non-adhering to tradition number. You free-thinking rebel, you!
dental appointment tomorrow afternoon
good luck with that, Bev. I hope it's relatively pleasant.
You remind me (not that I needed reminding), that I get to have my first mammogram tomorrow. Oh the joy.
I'm so sorry to hear about Beastie, Jilli and Pete.
Deena! Mammograms are not the ordeal they used to be. I think most clinics now have more advanced imaging machines that require fewer contortions and less pressure--all to the good, when dealing with my sensitive bits, and yours too, I'm betting.
The dentist knows he's looking at a tooth that broke off the interior wall last week; the center of the tooth has been filled. As long as he's able to fill it and maintain it, I'll be happy. Unfortunately, just yesterday an upper tooth on the opposite side twinged rather dramatically. Of the two, I'm afraid this new one is going to need attention more. Drat. We don't have dental insurance, and I really haven't budgeted for massive dental intervention.
Beverly, talk to the dentist's office about your finances. Many budget a certain amount for payment reductions for uninsured folk.
Oh, that's good to hear. The tech who performs it, and scheduled my appt., asked me three times if my breasts tended to sensitivity, so it worried me a bit.
Thank you Raq, I always found it amusing that my birthday is a good time to blow things up, according to British tradition.
Thank you VW and Beverly, I appreciate it!