It's annoying because a) I feel guilty and angry at myself and b) this sort of procrastinate-procrastinate-forget behavior is something I've been working to correct for the past umpty-ump years.
Does anyone else have this kind of problem with follow-through? How do other people deal with making sure they follow through, and cleaning up the messes when they don't
Anne, I totally do, and I wish I had some solution to offer. In fact, I think I'm in a similar situation to yours and I'm trying to get it resolved but I'm not sure how.
I released the good day (tm) into the wild last night with directions to seek out the buffistas in need.
It is amazing how much I have lowered my standards to what constitutes a "good day" in my life.
I got an A! I got an A! I got an A on my first paper/take home exam for my first grad school class!
Yay, Nora!!!
Partial victories. I sent E-mail to Will's teacher explaining the situation and she wrote back agreeing to give him partial credit this one time only.
Yay, Betsy!!!
Plei, I just showed Dave the picture of blueberry Tickybox and even he had to admit she is one of the cutest things ever.
Could we have started playing "Catapults & Battlements" with a spoonful of beef stew? No. It had to be blueberries.
Hee. Of course it did. It probably wasn't adorable on your end, but I have an adorable picture of Mal catapulting blueberries in my head.
Hopefully the termite guys are done...the lack of noise will make a Good day for me.
But that is what my headache was so that's good.
Oh, I'd forgotten to comment on the catapults and battlements. That does evoke a cute picture. I wouldn't have thought to remove the rug until it was liberally bedaubed with blue.
Anne W., insent.
Timelies, all. There was a Good Stuff thing making the rounds upthread a bit. The best thing that happened to me this year was hearing that Mom's cancer was in remission. Huge weight off my mind.
Yay for Nora!
vw, I'd still really like to contribute to your buffista research, if it's not too late.
Fay, it’s absolutely not too late. You can find the survey here: [link]
Just found out that the three kids of a friend i was going to see this weekend all have chicken pox. The oldest two had the vaccine. The youngest is 7 weeks old. Poor baby - I can't imagine what that would be like for him (and his mom. Three kids with chicken pox simultaneously!)
Ugh. How awful. Reminds me of our family a bit. I came down with the chicken pox 3 days after my baby brother came home from the hospital. Two weeks later, my other brother got them, 12 days after that the baby brother got them. My poor mom!
Anne, I have the same problem (hence a package that needs to go out to you that you *still* haven’t gotten). And, Emily’s birthday quilt from almost two years ago that still isn’t done. I’m worse, I think, with craft projects, but yes, it does ripple through life. This week alone I’m behind on two school assignments, but that’s not only procrastination…it’s also this asthma thing. I’m with Deena, lists help, but unfortunately there is no pill for this…just life-long working.
I think it’s important to note all of the factors and vulnerabilities too…it’s probably not *just* procrastination. You’ve been dealing with a lot with job stuff, moves, depression, etc. Those things feed the procrastination, and also give reasons for things being at a lower priority.
As with dealing the “messes” procrastination creates, apologies and honesty are what I find to work best. I know it’s uncomfortable, but people do love you, and they will forgive you.
I’m on house arrest today. Wonder if that means I can do laundry.
Oh! I forgot to say my good thing. Hmmmm...there's so many. I finished my incompletes. I got a job. I'm taking a full course load this semester and plugging away. Actually, I guess the best thing is just that I'm still plugging away.
vw - the bestest thing? Breathing.
Well, yes. There is that.