Way, way too much cuteness.
ETA: That was about the adorable short people in costumes. Daniel is another matter entirely. I'm thinking of talking to his family about good mental health care. Inpatient.
Love the kitty costume.
You can have it next year.
Lily is an adorable lion.
I was looking at some of Annabel's photos from the summer, and she really does make an abrupt shift from looking like a baby to looking like a kid sometime around the beginning of September--probably right around the time she shot up in height without gaining any weight.
I meant to say before, job~ma to maidengurl's dh. Sanity~ma to you both, too.
I'm loving the Halloween pictures.
Yep - there's an official Trick-or-Treat time -- I guess so that you (as a homeowner) can know what time it's okay to turn off the porchlight and put up the candy and they (as Trick-or-Treaters) have a reasonable timeframe of when to expect people to be in.
look at all the cutie pie kidlets!yay!
the library was really boring - we had a bunch of the regulars come in at about 5 of close - I tried to get them to bribe me with candy for more computer time but it didn't work.
Sending the ma~~~~ to maidengurl's dh.
and in the fun mememe news. I had to get jumpstart my car to get to work . and jump it to get it home. Tomorrow is probbably the only day of the year one car is complicated. ( it has been figured out - but it does mean me driving at before dawn. Luckily only a few miles) How did the fates know?
I just cut-and-pasted practically everything from today's to do list into tomorrow's. Because after all, tomorrow is another day. This was the least productive day I've had that was supposed to be a workday in a long time, and I'm just trying to remind myself that days like this just happen sometimes so I can shrug it off, because I have a deadline to deal with! A self-imposed one, granted, but I promised an editor a full manuscript by 11/15, so now I have to prove myself a woman of my word.
Party was fun. Costume was hit - at least, people giggled at "I'm a road" and Gershwin Girl used it as an excuse to profess my cuteness, which is always a plus.
Am now drunk, and must wake up in 4 hours (!!!!) to go all the way downtown for observations.
Stupid Halloween being a Monday.
Tomorrow, will goggle at cutiehead pictures of cutiehead babies in cutiehead costumes.
Damn, those are some adorable babies!