Actually, Annabel is getting kinda skinny now, though she still has rounded cheeks: [link]
Pop tarts have been consumed. Annabel is napping, so I'm going to try to do a little housework and maybe some editing.
t is ready to kiss and make up with Aimee if she is
Em does seem skinny (to me, but I'm not a parent), and one generally thinks of babies as plump and suitable for a roasting pan.
You've MET Joe? Right?
Oh, yeah. Em being skinny isn't surprising -- just that my default "baby" image in my brain is a fat roly-poly baby.
before shocking the world with her marriage to a much-older Prince William.
No, no, no.
William will be my second husband and he will abdicate his throne for me.
Em is marrying Owen.
Wow, Susan, she is getting long! Still, so pretty.
Not to totally speak for my husband
It's what wives, and husbands, do. It seems to automatically occur as soon as we put on the ring, like a right conveyed with the marriage. Of course it can eventually lead to stress, but let's not talk about that....
The second part of the post was an obvious joke, but the damn lack of the ability to carry tone and inflection over the internet made the first part suspect.
How does Joe feel about Wills?
This one's cute as hell: [link]
Actually, Annabel is getting kinda skinny now, though she still has rounded cheeks
Man, she is! But she still looks worthy of a nibble or two.
My daughter was always skinny, but Leif was a roly-poly baby. This weekend all Leif did was strip down his bed and empty five plastic baggies of rose seeds on it.
is ready to kiss and make up with Aimee if she is
Sweetie, of course.
I know I come off as abrasive, but I hate hate hate seeing parents overly worry about kids. I watched my uncle do it to my cousin with very very very bad results and want to save you from that awful hurt.
Em's healthy and lovely and apparently eats like a linebacker, so the skinny is just....skinny.
She reminds me of my cousin when she was a baby. Very slender as babies generally go but a healthy eater...And OI how that girl could scream. She's grown into a beautiful, still slender young lady (who is dating an inappropriately older man but that's beside the point I guess...).
You know if you guys are having trouble getting people to spell Annabel and Emeline correctly my friend is going to have some difficulties if she does decide to name her girl baby Rhiannon like she said she was going to after I karaoked it on Saturday. (Right now I want them to name the boy baby Escargot and call him Cargo.)
Are there any energy workers/healers or recipients of energy work people about? I have some questions and would like advice/opinions.
I'm not but I have a very good friend who does energy work and she's done some on me. I don't really understand it at all though. Except it feels nice when she does it.