Dear NP,
Most people work or go to school more than 1 day a week. Most people have 1 or 2 or even 3 days a week that, due to work or school issues, it is difficult to do anything unschedual. Welcome to this century. And , BTW, if a patient has been in the ER twice in one weekend, THEY NEED TO BE SEEN NOW, not on the PCP schedual.
Thanks ever so,
what Beth said. And also?
Dear PCP,
In what way do you justify calling yourself a primary
working only one day a week?
It's so cool hearing everybody's Halloween activities and gear!
We gathered Emmett's costume together this morning, and stuffed it in a bag for later use at school while JZ ran around getting her costume on.
JZ is wearing her 50s bronze colored Sophia Loren dress with crinolines and a tiara. She worked on her sash proclaiming her Miss Information on the way in.
We swung by EM's house to collect Halloween cookies she'd made and left out for us. Fortunately she had them hanging from a bag on her doorknob because the neighborhood scruffy cat was perched just underneath them puzzling how to get them out.
Got to Emmett's school where JZ's dress drew an admiring "Are you a princess?" from a 3rd grader. Emmett opted to wear the top hat portion of his costume to the schoolyard to play handball while we dropped the cookies and rest of the Harpo costume off in this class and talked to his teacher, who assured us she'd get his hair up under his Harpo wig.
JZ was practicing her MissInformation in the car: "Did you know that the Chrysler Building is made entirely of Chryslers? Do you know which model Chryslers they used? Subarus and Mustangs! The capitol of Wyoming is Lansing, Michigan!" She's opted for a cheery Buffybot tone.
EM collects Emmett from aftercare at 4pm and whooshes him into the city. JZ and I descend upon home by 5:30, we head out to Belevedere Street as we can afterwards where Emmett gleefully honks his horn and plays charades much to the annoyance of all the candy givers. (His Harpo-like charade skills are lacking, but he's very committed to it. He does have the whistling down.)
In what way do you justify calling yourself a primary anything, working only one day a week?
She's a resident. So, she probably works seven days a week. It just so happens that her office rotation is only one day a week. But, yeah, it does make things rather difficult...especially when I was *assigned* to her when my old PCP left the practice.
she probably works seven days a week. It just so happens that her office rotation is only one day a week.
Yeah, I get that, and everyone I know in any kind of medicine has jawdroppingly crazy schedules, but still - if you're only available to office patients once a week, you're in the office on a consulting basis. Being there for them is what "primary" should (humanly) mean -- not just being the code number to which to assign the insurance cases. Calling her what she isn't (and making you take the consequences) doesn't serve anyone, including the doc.
I had one like that too, but I think he was trying to retire and still get paid.
Hivemind question--
My doctor just prescribed Lexapro for PMS (and maybe to help me sleep better). Anyone else take it? Their site is all about depression and anxiety disorder, which I don't think I have, but I am a worrier and do get all up in my head too much., so maybe...I just don't want to be taking more drugs than I need.
Um, I just downloaded a font called "Celexa."
Sorry, not large with the helpful.
I'm loving JZ's Miss Information routine.
I'm currently on travelocity, waiting for it to load, as the embassy scheduled our R&R flight as 24 hours to get back to the States. 4 hours to Frankfurt, then a 5 hour layover there. LIKE I'm going to do that with an 8-month-old, especially when there's a direct flight from here to the East Coast.
I'm taking Lexapro for depression. I think I did better on Celexa, frankly, but I haven't had any real problems with it. I guarantee you it does nothing to help me sleep, though YSideEffectsMV.