Um, I just downloaded a font called "Celexa."
Sorry, not large with the helpful.
I'm loving JZ's Miss Information routine.
I'm currently on travelocity, waiting for it to load, as the embassy scheduled our R&R flight as 24 hours to get back to the States. 4 hours to Frankfurt, then a 5 hour layover there. LIKE I'm going to do that with an 8-month-old, especially when there's a direct flight from here to the East Coast.
I'm taking Lexapro for depression. I think I did better on Celexa, frankly, but I haven't had any real problems with it. I guarantee you it does nothing to help me sleep, though YSideEffectsMV.
JZ was practicing her MissInformation in the car: "Did you know that the Chrysler Building is made entirely of Chryslers? Do you know which model Chryslers they used? Subarus and Mustangs! The capitol of Wyoming is Lansing, Michigan!" She's opted for a cheery Buffybot tone.
Hey! Miss Information was *my* schtick! (Or did she get the idea from me and I just forgot that she was going to do it?)
Lexapro can help with PMS; that's just not one of the conditions that it's officially approved for by the FDA. (That doesn't mean it doesn't work; it just means that the FDA requires all kinds of studies and data and jumping through hoops whenever a manufacturer wants to add a new indication to a drug's prescribing information.)
I take Celexa for depression, which is supposedly similar. Again, it does nothing to help me sleep except you know, lift the depression...
The Doc said it helps alleviate anxiety and if anxiety has been what keeps me awake, then that might be all that's needed. I am sceptical, but willing to take a shot.
I think she said on the board that she was going to steal the idea, and credit you.
I think she said on the board that she was going to steal the idea, and credit you.
That's better, then. I'd hate to have to kill her.
That's better, then. I'd hate to have to kill her.
You can't kill me! I'm invincible. That's from the Latin, meaning "not vincible."
Anyone else take it?
I take Lexapro for stress/depression. It's helped despite, um, noticeable short-term sexual side effects.
For obvious reasons, I'm not qualified to comment on its usefulness in combatting PMS symptoms.
I was very impressed with my thoughtfulness and ability to share
I took miniature cupcakes to the preschool party. They were almost entirely overlooked for the gorgeous monster cupcakes covered in frosting, topped with toasted coconut and with some sort of spice cake underneath.
Ah well. It was still fun and Kara made many friends by granting everyone's wish. She also granted wishes at my old office and at the bank. The teller told her, "have fun trick-or-treating!" to which Kara replied, "And you have fun banking!"