Plei, I think a couple of Buffistas have made nanny-sharing work; you might ask.
We've looked into it. Part of the issue is the uncertainty of life as a contract worker; I may or may not have a job when someone is looking to nanny share. The other part is finding someone where it's a practical option, both in hours and location.
*Comes sweeping into thread with a song on his lips*
Hello my lovelies! I am in a good mood tonight.
My thoughts on the posts I've read recently:
Curry is fairly gross, but the smell doesn't bother me. I love going to Indian restaurants, however, because everything that doesn't actually have the word "curry" in the title is delicious. Especially the garlic nan. Thai food, on the other hand, is disgusting with or without the word "curry."
Eggs are delicious, and they smell like good. Did an egg kill your father, ita?
Fruitcake is also delicious, in small bites. Mmm. Fruitcake. I'll gladly take Susan's share.
dw, I am sorry that your work situation is of the suck. I hope that it gets muchly better in the most best way possible.
I was asked tonight what I would do if I had one wish. I couldn't decide, because most things I'd like to change about the world or myself would involve changing the past, which is dangerous wishing, so I settled on something frivolous - winning the lottery. I now will remove that wish from the "if I had one wish" list and say that I wish for all of the Buffistas, especially the Buffista parents, to find jobs in the near future that pay them very well to do exactly what they love doing for as long as they want, while simultaneously giving them time for the raising of their little 'uns.
--- okay, done with thoughts about recent posts.
Tonight, ladies in gentlemen, I am starry-eyed and completely in love. It feels rather lovely. I believe the first blush of this relationship is finally wearing off, but what is being left behind is just as good. Better. I love it. I love
I feel like I need to give her a nickname for this board. Ideas? Unfortunately, without spontaneity I'm afraid nothing will be as good as Teacup Guy or FAQ Girl/Wife, so maybe I'll just leave her as GF for now.
PS to my student worker: Just because Miss Manners says it's OK doesn't mean it's OK under your parents' roof. Especially when it comes to knocking boots with your boyfriend on a weekend visit to the 'rents.
And why did you tell me all this, anyway? Why the flip do you think I care about your sex life? And why do you think I care about your rationale for why you think your 'rents should not have a cow about whatever sex you and your boyfriend have? I don't care. I'm too tired, stressed, and busy dealing with work crap to care about whom you are playing Hide The Cannoli with.
Songs of Innocence and Experience tonight. That's a contrasting pair of posts...
I feel like I need to give her a nickname for this board. Ideas?
We need to know a little bit more about her, I think.
Have on, then, Gris. Tell us tales of starry eyed love.
It's a romantical board in most ways.
Mmm. I'm so bad at tales. Terribly bad. They never come out sounding the way they should sound, and everybody gives me weird looks.
I'll sleep on it. Maybe I'll have come up with a good story to post in the morning that can lead to a nice nickname. It does seem a shame that the only stories I ever tell of her center around our one major snag.
It doesn't have to be a story.
I'll settle for details.
The way she holds her fork. The way she fiddles with her hair. Her smile when she sees you. Her gait. Her scent. The thing she wrote to you. Her snarky wit. Her kindness.
I'm just here to show solidarity with ita about eggs. They smell revolting, and almost always taste the same.
I like curry, but my DH concurs with dw, so, no curry. But we all know that I'm married to the person with the smallest range of acceptable food on the planet.
Data dump: Mallory's first tooth is in, without teething fuss.
My step-mother is arranging a big gathering at the court house in my hometown on Day of the Dead to remember the soldiers killed in Iraq.
I dreamed that Nick's band was an instant and runaway success.
I'm thrilled for Gris-in-love.
I seem to be gaining weight. Must figure out how to exercise.
It's nice to read of tales of romance, as I deal with helping my friend and her unwilling-to-sleep-in-the-middle-of-the-night new baby. (2nd son, so she's an old hand at it but I'm trying to allow her to get some sleep, and baby just isn't having any of it. He's more than willing to let me console him during daylight hours, but apparently at the moment only mama will do. At least he seems calm for the moment so perhaps they're both getting some shut-eye. Papa is upstairs getting some hopefully uninterrupted sleep.)
Also, I should not read 700+ posts in one night before going to sleep/nap, as it leads to odd dreams. Although the dreams would have been odd on their own, actually. I just didn't expect to dream about dw. Not that I can recall what you were doing. I think Susan cameoed as well. I think that's the first time Buffistas have infiltrated my dreams.
I'm currently in the land of clearly awake, but somewhat fuzzy-headed thinking mode. Oy.
The way she holds her fork. The way she fiddles with her hair. Her smile when she sees you. Her gait. Her scent. The thing she wrote to you. Her snarky wit. Her kindness.
Uh... they can't take that away from me?
Mallory's first tooth is in, without teething fuss.
Yay for scream-free teaching boy!
I just didn't expect to dream about dw. Not that I can recall what you were doing. I think Susan cameoed as well. I think that's the first time Buffistas have infiltrated my dreams.
Huh. Um. I'm infiltrating dreams now?
I've never had a dream about any Buffistas. Pele had a cameo last night.