It's nice to read of tales of romance, as I deal with helping my friend and her unwilling-to-sleep-in-the-middle-of-the-night new baby. (2nd son, so she's an old hand at it but I'm trying to allow her to get some sleep, and baby just isn't having any of it. He's more than willing to let me console him during daylight hours, but apparently at the moment only mama will do. At least he seems calm for the moment so perhaps they're both getting some shut-eye. Papa is upstairs getting some hopefully uninterrupted sleep.)
Also, I should not read 700+ posts in one night before going to sleep/nap, as it leads to odd dreams. Although the dreams would have been odd on their own, actually. I just didn't expect to dream about dw. Not that I can recall what you were doing. I think Susan cameoed as well. I think that's the first time Buffistas have infiltrated my dreams.
I'm currently in the land of clearly awake, but somewhat fuzzy-headed thinking mode. Oy.
The way she holds her fork. The way she fiddles with her hair. Her smile when she sees you. Her gait. Her scent. The thing she wrote to you. Her snarky wit. Her kindness.
Uh... they can't take that away from me?
Mallory's first tooth is in, without teething fuss.
Yay for scream-free teaching boy!
I just didn't expect to dream about dw. Not that I can recall what you were doing. I think Susan cameoed as well. I think that's the first time Buffistas have infiltrated my dreams.
Huh. Um. I'm infiltrating dreams now?
I've never had a dream about any Buffistas. Pele had a cameo last night.
The soccer player or the goddess?
My son is turning into an upholstered-furniture-based starchy tuber. He's is Baby Einstein's bitch.
My son is turning into an upholstered-furniture-based starchy tuber.
BWAH! It took me a little bit to get it. I'm a couple of french fries short of a Happy Meal tonight.
Dinner last night: [link]
Hee! Oh dear, what were you trying to feed the poor child?
Thai food, on the other hand, is disgusting with or without the word "curry."
Agreed. I think it's the combination of spices, plus the frequent use of coconutty, peanutty flavors (which I do NOT like in foods that should be savory rather than sweet).
The food discussion now has me craving palakh paneer.
Steph! Did you get something from me yesterday?
But we all know that I'm married to the person with the smallest range of acceptable food on the planet.
Wait, you're married to my in-laws? What does that make us, anyway? In-laws in law?
Thai food is divine.
So is paneer, which I keep meaning to try to make.
Steph! Did you get something from me yesterday?
Not unless your name is Coldwater Creek. Did you send it to my work addy?
I like eggs. Actually, I love eggs.
I hear the first blush of romance is nice. I remain firm in my belief that I will never ever ever experience it, ever again.
My seasonal depression is worse this year than it has been in a few years. I keep going from Non-Functional to Relatively Human and back again a few times over the course of a day. The roller-coastering is making me feel like a Cepheid star. (Go look it up if you don't know what that is. It's my attempt to be erudite.)
Many things to do before Halloween party tonight:
paint fingernails
bake punkin bread
iron apron
polish shoes
work out
elevate mood
call M. to decline corn maze invitation for tonight
shower, etc.
Not in that order.