Someone just made the fantastic suggestion that I submit Save Firefly to This American Life. Ira Glass is a Whedon fan.
Ira Glass was here to give a presentation a couple of weeks ago. It was basically a lecture about persuasion and story-telling and the media. He said that unsolicited stories still are an important source for them, and he encouraged people to send them in.
I can confirm that he is a Whedon fan. At one point he was trying to explain how he felt at a particular time in his career and said “I felt like I was Season 3 Buffy.”
Does this sound overly insane and presumptuous? My agent says to of course go for it, but I'm not sure if I'm being crazy. Is this crazy?
Joining the chorus to say that I think this is a great idea.
Apropos of nothing, I live in a daylight basement and use heat off and on all year. However, I have been in daily use for about a month.
So weird. I was reading recaplets over at TWOP and everytime I'd go to grade an episode it would send me to Yahoo Shopping.
What is up with that?
Allyson, insent in a minute.
Timelies all!
Happy Birthday Brenda!
I know there's some sort of problem with the recap server on TWoP, but I don't know if that would affect grading eps.
Rosa Parks was a fairly committed NAACP member in 1955, but that meant for her as it does for a lot of us in places now...she went to meetings and she typed shit. I believe that that might have made her dig in her heels, but the idea that she was a "plant" is, imo, stupid.
It is very cold out, also wet. In a word, icky. Tonight would be agreat night to have a working fireplace, but alas, not in my apartment.
Gah. Another step closer to wireheading, and worse. Scary. [link]
Seems a lot better than a handgun.