One of the new NUMB3RS chicks has Darla voice.
Is my gut reaction correct that without the saving grace of the character being evil and having the potential of killing someone at any given moment, this moves rapidly from merely annoying to intolerable?
I'm depressing myself. I think I'll go back to thinking about historical violence, like the creepy Scots family that lived in a cave.
Oooooh, I've read a horror story about their ghosts still being in that cave and continuing the family tradition.
Is my gut reaction correct that without the saving grace of the character being evil and having the potential of killing someone at any given moment, this moves rapidly from merely annoying to intolerable?
I didn't notice the Darla voice, but I was hoping that she would turn out to be evil so that she would go away.
Perkins! What are you doing awake???
Silly Perkins.
Lull yourself to sleep with some baby pictures: [link]
(Why am I awake, come to think?)
Lily slays me. I saw the pictures from LJ, but all I could think to comment were things like "cute" and "beautiful" which apparently isn't stopping me here, but you know. CUTE!
Perkins! What are you doing awake???
Cat decided I needed to be.
Stoopid vomiting cat.
Cutiehead Baby!
Baby Lily = Too cute for words
Stupid helicopter woke me up. I hope they found the fuckster they were looking for.
Timelies all!
Another lazy Sunday morning here. Eventually I will watch tapes, go to the library and go to the mall to give Prescriptives more money.
My Sunday will consist of shopping for jeans, grading papers, and doing laundry, followed by watching Desperate Housewives. Also, paying bills. It's all terribly exciting.
cute little baby teeth.
If DH doesn't wake up he will have to find me at the coffee shop.
Timelies all!
Cable was mysteriously out this morning, and I wasn't in a hurry to log on, so I went off to Yoga (and had a good session), walked leisurely back, ate some lunch and finally got around to checking to see if the connection was working or if I'd have to call.
Somewhere in there, a load of laundry occurred.
It's possible I may take a nap some time this afternoon. Also a shower is in my immediate future....