One of the former interrogators is testifying that it's happening all over Iraq.
Yeah, it is.
I really don't like sandwiches, so I never order them, so I have nothing to add. I did just make Moroccan Carrot, Goat Cheese, and Tapenade sandwiches, which even the DH had to admit were good (although it took a lot of bribing to get him to try one).
In bribing news, I am trying to strike a deal with mr. flea that he can buy a laptop (which we can't afford) IF he gets rid of the two antique laptops we currently have AND any books and notes he has from college that he has not looked at since we met (9.5 years ago, and yes, they are legion). The second condition is really making him hesitate. Bribing with sex is so much easier.
AND any books and notes he has from college that he has not looked at since we met (9.5 years ago, and yes, they are legion)
But... But... You never know
you'll need that stuff. You are a harsh one, ms. flea.
linked from
A revolt of House conservatives has persuaded that body's Republican leadership to offset the increased federal spending going to rebuild the Hurricane Katrina-devastated Gulf Coast by reductions in Medicaid, food stamps and other programs for the indigent. If things go according to plan, this week the House will begin to cut $50 billion from those efforts.
The emerging Republican response to Katrina, apparently, is to comfort the drenched poor and afflict the dry.
For a moment last week, it looked as though the Republicans were going to enact across-the-board spending cuts.
That, however, would have meant less money for defense contractors and the highway industry and other contributors to congressional Republicans' campaigns. GOP committee chairmen made that point so forcefully that the idea was scrapped.
The beauty of taking the cuts out of Medicaid and student loan programs, by happy contrast, is that it doesn't reduce the flow of funds to the Republican campaign committees by a single dime.
AND any books and notes he has from college
Getting rid of BOOKS?!?!
- Signed,
Still Regretting Having to Sell Back College Texts for Money
I cannot make a list but I can tell you the best Sandwich I ever had:
It was a marinated chicken sandwich at Cafe Le Gaffe in Toronto in 1990. My friend and I stilll talk about how good that sandwich was.
The best sandwich I've had was a jerk chicken with mango chutney sandwich from Columbine in Tribeca.
Animal lover slam Choke-A-Chicken toy: [link]
IF he gets rid of the two antique laptops we currently have AND any books and notes he has from college that he has not looked at since we met (9.5 years ago, and yes, they are legion).
I think notes are a totally different category from books. Books at least theoretically could be immediately useful. Notes you haven't looked at in 10 years? You'd have to go back and try to decipher all of them to figure out what you're looking for. If they aren't directly related to his current work, OUT THEY GO.