Turns out Scotty was right, and there is transparent aluminum.
the only food I know that has the word Turkish in front of it is "turkish delight"
The word for Turkish delight candy in Romanian is "rahat," which, not coincidentally, is a slang term for "shit."
Turkish food is (mostly) teh YUM! Go, enjoy!
Have you posted any pictures or ceremony descriptions?
Not yet. I'm still waiting for pictures. Though I should write a narrative before I forget the already little I remember.
If you're not around I'll Nilly it for you.
Lots of the sukkot here are covered in blue tarps because of all the rain we were having.
Still in need of nap. Still not playing nicely with internet. Plus, lunch is upsetting my stomach. Bleck.
A Texas court issued a warrant Wednesday for former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay to appear for booking, where he is likely to face the fingerprinting and photo mug shot he had hoped to avoid.
Wow, I really want to see a copy the mug shot...
A Texas court issued a warrant Wednesday for former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay to appear for booking, where he is likely to face the fingerprinting and photo mug shot he had hoped to avoid.
Wow, I really want to see a copy the mug shot...
Perp walk! Perp walk!
Turns out Scotty was right, and there is transparent aluminum.
How do you know he didn't invent it?
On the evening prayers the Torah-scrolls in the synagogue are being taken out of their special cupboard and the men dance with them to express that joy.
As Tep said, that is very lovely. Although, I sort of have the image of Gene Kelly and the dance with the coatrack in my head.
If you're not around I'll Nilly it for you.
Oh, excellent. I'd hate to miss that.
A friend of my friend T (he knows me through knowing her) found his way to b.org following some quote of Tim or something like that I e-mailed her once. He was starting to look around (I think he even registered) and called her confused: "why do they have a thread called the town of Nilly? What's up with that?". I can't even imagine starting to explain about the verbification.
Lots of the sukkot here are covered in blue tarps because of all the rain we were having.
We are having the most rainy Sukkot I can remember. It's very rare that it actually rains here in this time of the year. There's a prayer for rains that only starts being said right after Sukkot, so a rain during the holiday (or after Pesakh, when it's stopped to be said) is considered a sort of a bad omen.
That is *so* lovely!
It is. Those scrolls are big and really heavy (and really expensive - tens of thousands of dollars each), and it's very rare to take more than two out for reading (on Saturdays), so it is indeed like a party for those books.
Although, I sort of have the image of Gene Kelly and the dance with the coatrack in my head.
Oh, it wouldn't work - those scrolls are much too heavy.
[Edit: all consecutive odd digits post #, but they're all mixed up, like they also danced, or the rain maybe confused their order]
We are having the most rainy Sukkot I can remember. It's very rare that it actually rains here in this time of the year.
My neighbors are having a great Sukkot. The weather here is PERFECT for sleeping out and the days have been just gorgeous. I can hear them in the evenings--it sounds like a lot of fun.