Let's swing by and collect shrift then go Elsewhere.
Oh, come here! It's the holidays, so vacation, and my plans for the evening just got canceled (my friend's baby is sick and I can't possibly visit). I've also got chocolate to share.
[Edit: just to make sure: I have no idea what we're talking about. I just skipped around a hundred posts and therefore apologize if I completely stepped on my feet while falling into the ongoing conversation.]
I wonder if I can change my plane reservation from Flint, MI to Israel? Nilly's travel plan sounds more fun than mine.
I got an invite to go to an Iftar dinner (breaking the fast after Ramadan) with Turkish cuisine.
What is Turkish cuisine?
Nilly, how is Sukkot celebrated? I realized I know virtually nothing about it, other than the huts. (Which I know aren't actual huts.)
What is Turkish cuisine?
Mostly very, very close to Greek, though both Greeks and Turks will loudly and furiously deny any resemblance.
And, like Greek, very very tasty. If they want to have thousands of years of wars over that fact, they're just being silly.
Calli, it's your birthday, you can do whatever you want! Or should, anyway.
Allyson, the only food I know that has the word Turkish in front of it is "turkish delight" from "The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe", so even if that will be what's for dessert, I'm afraid I can't help you with anything else.
an Iftar dinner (breaking the fast after Ramadan)
When I was returning home after staying with my uncle for Rosh Hashana a couple of weeks ago, I sat in the bus beside a group of very nice Muslim teenagers. They were breaking the fast with cookies and Coca-Cola (and insisted I share them with them, no matter how much I explained that I just finished two days with lots of very large meals). We exchanged fast stories and rules, I explained about the fast on the day after Rosh-Hashana, we compared the beginning-and-ending schedules, stuff like that.
Mostly very, very close to Greek, though both Greeks and Turks will loudly and furiously deny any resemblance.
This is true.
JZ, I've been thinking of you lately because in the class action pro bono case I've been working on, we're calling one of the plaintiffs "J.Z."
When I was returning home after staying with my uncle for Rosh Hashana a couple of weeks ago, I sat in the bus beside a group of very nice Muslim teenagers. They were breaking the fast with cookies and Coca-Cola (and insisted I share them with them, no matter how much I explained that I just finished two days with lots of very large meals). We exchanged fast stories and rules, I explained about the fast on the day after Rosh-Hashana, we compared the beginning-and-ending schedules, stuff like that.
This gives me hope. Why doesn't the media report this kind of stuff once in a while?
bon, hee! Can I expect a sizeable settlement anytime soon?
t /deusional