There must be a lesson in here somewhere, but I'll be darned if I know what it is. Maybe
Man Bites Dog Bites Man?
Dog attacks anti-dangerous dog bill author
October 19, 2005
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. --The author of a new state law that allows felony charges against owners of dangerous dogs was hospitalized over the weekend after his own dog attacked him.
Full story: [link]
Happy birthday, Burrell!
Happy birthday, Calli!
(I was going to wish hippo birdies, but it feels like that particular well-wish belongs to Theo, and it's cheating for anyone to use it before she does.)
Emmett is in the living room, coughing and sniffling and watching
Scary Godmother,
and I'm in the nerd hole coughing and hacking up lung tissue and catching up on Natter. Both of us are drinking hot tea with honey and lemon, for all the good it's doing us.
My voice kind of came back yesterday, but then I blew it out again laughing at the Gravitas-Off. Curse you, Colbert!!!
This household is DISEASED.
Happy Birthday Burrell!
Happy Birthday Calli!
May it be a wonderful year for you both.
Er... in the rush of getting-out-the-door-vaguely-on-time, I didn't get a chance to pass by here, so belated
Hippo Birdies
to Calli and Burrell, two unlikely birthday twins!
In other news, my new car continues to be Neat.
Hello, dumplings. I have decided to crash here.
Looks like I better get the shutters up. I'll decide tomorrow if we evacuate. My sister, brother, niece and nephew are on the west coast of Florida so they will either come and stay with me, or maybe we'll all leave. Yikes.
Oh I hope you don't need to evacuate, Laura. I can't remember the Hurricane names getting this far down in the alphabet, before. I'm sure they have and I was just not paying attention, but it really just needs to stop it!
Also, insent of the gmail-caught-you-in-my-spam-filter variety.
Happy Birthday, Burrell!!
Happy Birthday, Calli!!
Poor sick Zmayhems.
Good luck with Wilma, Laura.
I can't remember the Hurricane names getting this far down in the alphabet, before. I'm sure they have and I was just not paying attention, but it really just needs to stop it!
Nope -- this year is the first time they've run out of alphabet.
I'm sure they have and I was just not paying attention, but it really just needs to stop it!
Not recently, and not much -- I think there was a W once in the 60s or something. The weather man here was saying yesterday how this year was tying the record both for named storms and for hurricanes. And then he told us how that means that those are the only times we've had that many. Um, do people not know what "tied the record" means??
Oh I hope you don't need to evacuate, Laura. I can't remember the Hurricane names getting this far down in the alphabet, before. I'm sure they have and I was just not paying attention, but it really just needs to stop it!
It's the first time they've gotten down this far since 1933 or something.