Oh, hell.
My sister-in-law's dad was killed in a car accident yesterday. Her mother died of cancer when she was in college, so basically she's down to one sister.
I feel so bad. We asked if we should go to the funeral, but my brother said no. I want to do something, she's really marvelous.
bon bon, we have a gift for you! Can you email me your address?
insent to earthlink. Exciting!
Also have you seen the presidential indictment bingo card on wonkette?
Off to look. You know I LOVE bingo.
Damn, Consuela, that is rough. Poor woman.
Damn, people with the car crashes. That's just horrible.
It's so hard. She was just here a couple of weeks ago, helping her oldest friend through the funeral for the friend's dad. Now said friend is flying out to help her.
That's the kind of reciprocity that shouldn't have to happen.
Worse, my brother had apparently told his F-i-L that maybe he should make sure his financial affairs are in order -- the man was in his early 60s, maybe, but he had a lot of different business interests. He said, nah, I've got some years yet. So now on top of it all my S-i-L will be spending the next few months resolving her father's estate, while moving to DC and setting up a new household, while my brother starts a new, high profile job.
Gargh. Life is so unfair sometimes.
nah, I've got some years yet
Gah. Even if it's true -- doesn't matter, huh?
All this is so horrible.
It really really is. I wish there were something I could do. Instead I just sit and worry about my own dad, who's a lot older than hers. How come I'm so lucky, to have 4 living siblings and both my parents and two fantastic nieces?
'Suela, that is just too horrible for words. I'm so sorry.
My intercostals were jacked. Also fubar. I like to mix my metaphors.
Which reminds me, gotta call the doctor in the morning.
You know how it was Tropical Storm Wilma last night?
It's now a high category 4, with winds of 150mph and a minimum central pressure of 901mb.