You may not choose to have amateur chiropracty done by your cow-orkers, though.
Um, no. Also, it is pretty clearly a muscle thing. RIght now, it does not matter till next time I need to stand up.
I, for one, find Derek Jeter to be evil.
But I think, if he were truly evil, he would never have done something like slide into a base and dislocate a shoulder. (TO say nothing of being hit by pitches every third day.) Aren't the evil impervious to injury?
Also, he has been caught on camera picking his nose. If he were evil, the cameras would have missed that. I mean, that's the whole point of being evil, right?
Also, Prison Break is going to have a marathon on FX this Sunday.
Oooh. I recommend Prison Break for people who might be interested but haven't watched yet. For one thing, Wentworth Miller. For the other, lots of great supporting cast. Peter Stormare, Muse Watson, Stacey Keach, &tc. It's not a mindbending show by any means, but the plot has gotten off to a good start, and, did I mention? WENTWORTH MILLER.
msbelle! I'm coming to New York for the Remembrance Day long weekend.
Also, it is pretty clearly a muscle thing.
I have found muscles to be connected to bones, and as a result, affected by their placement. Your musculoskeletal system may vary, but I wouldn't rule it out.
Speaking of which, suggestions for good exercises for the calf muscles? I'm having some problems with my achilles, and I think loosening/strengthening the calves might be a good first approach.
As a general rule, any time HR talks about "exciting new changes to benefits" they mean that you're going to get less of them.
Morning. Anyone want to bring me coffee in bed?
I do. Pity about that whole rest of the country in between us thing.
damn. those lists bring back some memories. there are some companies I'd never heard of. Glad Apple was there.