* No, I don't actually have any idea what his hobbies are.
That's a pity.
In other news, hey, if your upper back suddenly stops functioning, so that you have to breathe through stiffness and can't stand up from a chair, that is back spasms, right?
Cause I am having them, and it is not cool. Advil is really the only recourse at work, isn't it?
I don't know. It sounds like you have something out of line, or something else unpleasant, though. I hope you feel better.
If you could take the people out of religions, they might suddenly get a lot more perfect.
Much more pointless, but it's a balancing act.
Watched the Colbert Report (or as I like to think of it, "My Secret Boyfriend's New Show Where He Sends Me Secret Love Messages Through His Eyes") last night. Thought is was awfully funny, but agree that it might not hold up over the long run.
If all the evil people would just join evil religions, like Satanism, things would be a whole lot simpler.
When mr. flea's upper back goes out, it can be fixed by him lying down and me very firmly applying pressure with one hand on each side of his spine near the affected area, hands not quite parallel. There is an audible crunch, and then he is better. You may not choose to have amateur chiropracty done by your cow-orkers, though.
I, for one, find Derek Jeter to be evil. Handsome (many think), shit-eating grin, rich, talented, gets lots of (tacky) women? All the signs.
Ha! Homework is DONE! In your face, HR!!! Off to shop and get lunch.
"My Secret Boyfriend's New Show Where He Sends Me Secret Love Messages Through His Eyes"
I thought this was Prison Break.
Oh, you mean YOUR secret bf.
Does Derek Jeter have a sidekick?
Well, that's actually about false prophets, but I suppose Satan has no fruit at all--just highly sugared, high fats carbs--probably Devil's Food Cake.
Don't forget bacon, the Devil's Meat! There's a reason he's drawn with cloven hooves.
If all the evil people would just join evil religions, like Satanism, things would be a whole lot simpler.
Hey, it's not as if the Scientologists aren't giving their all to the recruiting process...