So many of the pictures of my family's black cats turn out to be pictures of a cat-shaped hole with eyes.
This is my cat's pictures! I've been meaning to get a photo of her revving up for her evening frolics (she lies on her back, her back paws scratching higher up on the condo post than her front ones, almost in a shoulder stand position), but keep forgetting to bring the camera out to the living room.
Our firewall keeps deciding that the web site for the Interlibrary Loan group at the law school where Sparky1 works is evil, and should not be visited.
That's a very smug looking cat.
He has his moments, that's for sure.
So many of the pictures of my family's black cats turn out to be pictures of a cat-shaped hole with eyes.
It's really hard to get one where his eyes don't glow or he's just a big black blob. Here's my fav because his eyes aren't glowy:
eta: I also really like this one:
Interlibrary Loan group at the law school where Sparky1 works is evil, and should not be visited.
Well, you expected a fluffy bunny? Of course they're evil. They're also gone for the day. What did you want to know?
I'm back from New Jersey, having survived the cleanout of my Mom's cellar with only a few scars to speak of. On my way back, I stopped off in Old Sturbridge Village for a pair of hours, and ended up talking up knitting with several of the interpreters. It was just the destressing I needed.
So, if I print out the cashed check from my bank that I sent to the DMV, that should be ammo in case I get pulled over for expired tags, right?
Allyson is me! I did this last Thursday and still haven't gotten my new registration and tags yet. Although I haven't been pulled over yet to test this theory.
Timelies all!
Spent the weekend at the FSGW Getaway up in Darlington, MD.(It's held at Camp Ramblewood) lots of fun and good music, and quite a few international attendees.(Mostly English folk, but there was an Israeli couple and an Icelandic guy)
Now I need to do some basic cleaning, since my folks are coming through tomorrow night on their way to Florida.
Well, you expected a fluffy bunny? Of course they're evil. They're also gone for the day. What did you want to know?
I needed to know how much it might cost to get an old law review article. I realize that this is probably explained on the web site, but that whole "Hahahaha-- you don't get to look at this today" thing got in the way.
Send me the cite and if it's on HeinOnline I can just send you the .pdf.