Timelies all!
Spent the weekend at the FSGW Getaway up in Darlington, MD.(It's held at Camp Ramblewood) lots of fun and good music, and quite a few international attendees.(Mostly English folk, but there was an Israeli couple and an Icelandic guy)
Now I need to do some basic cleaning, since my folks are coming through tomorrow night on their way to Florida.
Well, you expected a fluffy bunny? Of course they're evil. They're also gone for the day. What did you want to know?
I needed to know how much it might cost to get an old law review article. I realize that this is probably explained on the web site, but that whole "Hahahaha-- you don't get to look at this today" thing got in the way.
Send me the cite and if it's on HeinOnline I can just send you the .pdf.
Insent, Perkins. It's a small part of a big file. Quicker for me to send the whole dang thing. Just toss out what you don't need.
So, there's an article in Newsweek about the Vatican defending the practice of Exorcism. [link]
From the article:
The publicity comes at a bad time for the church. Interest in satanic worship has risen sharply across Europe recently; there are 5,000 Italians involved in 650 active satanic cults in operation in the country, more than double the number a decade ago.
Um, WTF????? How is that figure just made up whole cloth? Nobody who means it is answering "Yes, I belong to Satanic cult local 563," on a fucking census somewhere. And Satanic cults (if they really exist) are not fucking registered with the fucking Federal Bureau of Evilness.
Frankly, I have never seen any evidence (and I've looked at lots) that's convinced me even a single "Satanic cult" has existed anywhere, ever. I personally think that any given instance of a "satanic cult" is more likely set dressing after the fact by someone to cover their own plain ordinary every day murder, that was bought hook, line and sinker by some gullible yokel of a sherriff. Or were the results of implanted memories (along the lines of false accusations of parental child abuse) by some therapist with an agenda. Or some kids playing a prank. Or some member of the local clergy with an agenda.
Yes, there are Satanists, and a Satanic church, but that's actually about fun, kinky sex, and not murder. A real murderous Satanic cult doesn't ADVERTISE.
I'm sure six people will now provide links to actual cases of Satanic murder cults (which I will read with an extremely sceptical eye), but my point about the figure in the article essentially being pulled out of someone's ass still stands.
It's awfully specific, Sean.
there are 5,000 Italians involved in 650 active satanic cults in operation in the country,
See, and my first thought was, "Wow, they could really stand to consolidate."
(My second thought was more along the lines of, "So, where'd these figures come from?")
FYI to Allyson (not sure about Cashmere, only know CA) - you don't even need the printout of the check. If the check's cleared, your car should show as registered on the computer in the cop's cruiser when he runs your plates.
I tested this (when my stickers - paid for in December - still hadn't shown up by April) with my friend who's LASD.
By the way, Hi everybody!
Now back to working (and lurking...)