Saturday: Was lazy. Watched ER episodes. Took nap. Wnet to Salvation Army and bought sweaters. Went to theatre and aforementioned FOUR watch repair shops. Came home. Watch more ER
Sunday: Was productive. Cleaned living room, alcove, bathroom and hall. Tried to turn heat on unsuccessfully. Went to Target. Watched West Wing. Went to bed huddled with cat for warmth.
Good news for Doctor Who fans:
Captain Jack! Wheee!
Short of more 9th Doctor or going to some alternate reality where Firefly runs for seven seasons, I can't imagine happier TV news.
You should try tangerines and tangelos - they peel more readily and have less membrane.
Best thing about tangelos -- the knob on the top lets you peel them without having to use a peeler or knife.
I loved tangelos when I was a kid, but they're strangely rare in Seattle groceries.
Short of more 9th Doctor or going to some alternate reality where Firefly runs for seven seasons, I can't imagine happier TV news.
How about, "Now that we have replaced the TiVo and picked up a relatively inexpensive DVD recorder in the process, you can dump Doctor Who to DVD easily instead of losing all the episodes to a redux of the Yom Kippur TiVo Disaster?"
Hmm. Now I want a tangelo or tangerine.
And John Sweden brings the convo full circle.
I just wanted to blend in. Grapefruit is one of those foods that is more trouble than it is worth, for me. Too much slicing and scooping, so I probably haven't eaten it in years.
One of the kinkier x-posts ever.
I do invite friends to hit me with sticks on a regular basis, so it is the least I can do.
How about, "Now that we have replaced the TiVo and picked up a relatively inexpensive DVD recorder in the process, you can dump Doctor Who to DVD easily instead of losing all the episodes to a redux of the Yom Kippur TiVo Disaster?"
Well, I
that. We just need to find a re-airing of the eps we lost or figure out how to get them off the old hard drive.
That's why I love ruby red grapefruit juice (preferably 1005 juice, no sugar added). All the joyful flavor of a nice, sweet ruby red grapefruit, none of the hassle.
Well, I knew that. We just need to find a re-airing of the eps we lost or figure out how to get them off the old hard drive.
You can ask around. Maybe finding someone with a Linux box and seeing if we can mount the drive.
Another option was to try and find an old TiVo box of the same model that has a bad drive and replacing it with our old disk, then dumping from there.
People should talk about their weekends
Got drunk and made out with a gay boy dressed as Prince.
You know, the usual.