I used a headhunter prior to going to the company I'm (sorta) with now. I have mixed feelings about it. They get paid by the companies, so they were desperate to shoehorn me into a job that was all wrong for me, and it was verbal judo to stay out of it and keep them looking.
OTOH, I would never have applied to the company I ended up with, and it was a great fit, with a great salary, and I've stayed with them, if the headhunter hadn't hooked me up with them.
Poor sick Leif.
Grapefruit was my main craving during pregnancy. I'm normally meh on it - I can eat it, but it's not my first choice. And my family put salt on it, not sugar. (I use neither).
Leif is already doing a lot better. Once he started taking antibiotics, he improved very quickly.
I never liked grapefruit until I learned to peel the bitter membrane and just eat the lovely pulp.
They get paid by the companies,
Yay! 'Cause I have, basically, negative bucks at the moment.
so they were desperate to shoehorn me into a job that was all wrong for me, and it was verbal judo to stay out of it and keep them looking.
Not so yay. Oh, well. If I say "no" to something and the recruiter never speaks to me again it'll leave me pretty much where I am now. And it's not like I'm gonna stop looking on my own.
I have a problem with grapefruit and oranges where I can never get quite enough of the membrane off. I was told that it comes right off if you boil the orane, but then, you have a boiled orange, which sounds less appetizing to me. i guess I should stick to apples and pears.
I have a problem with grapefruit and oranges where I can never get quite enough of the membrane off. I was told that it comes right off if you boil the orane, but then, you have a boiled orange, which sounds less appetizing to me. i guess I should stick to apples and pears.
You should try tangerines and tangelos - they peel more readily and have less membrane.
I used to eat grapefruit by slicing it in half and using a grapefruit spoon. No membrane that way.
Vortex is me WRT grapefruit.
People should talk about their weekends
On Saturday, I was a combatant in Ealdormere's 16th Crown Tournament. I had fun fighting. I have a bruise the size of a grapefruit on my right bicep. No pictures yet. On Sunday, I helped a friend set up a new tv/dvd/vcr (but can't make my own work the way I want them too) and had dinner. I also threw out/bundled for Goodwill (depending on suitability) about 3 big rubbermaid tubs worth of clothes I had in storage, and found my edition of Beowulf in the Old English (Klaeber, 3rd edition) that I thought was lost.
Today is much with the gronkly.
Love grapefruit. And for somebody who likes sweets as much as I do, also love sour things.
I like to put salt on grapefruit.
My weekend:
Nothing much. Finished a book on amnesia, wrote...Watched "Lorenzo's Oil" again.