He posted a new one this Friday, didn't he? I saw the link on LJ, and meant to pursue it.
Good to know that people on the internet don't just disappear, huh? (This fellow, who worked for some branch of the Canadian government, and was a superuser to boot, was an old X-Files fanfic writer back in the late 90s. And suddenly, after years of silence or other-pseuds, pops back up as his old self!)
Not that the majority of my old XF acquaintances would know the name Nutty, although a lot would.
has a warm feeling for Nutty
In other news, I would like to be a major league umpire. The only job requirement seems to be the ability to look good in black, and a willingness to get in the way of third basemen. I can do both of these things pretty easily, and it would be a nice raise for me.
Your boss would be Darth Selig and the 30 ownership groups whose shady accounting and corruption informed Dubya.
I mean, if you want to work for evil, I think there's about to be an opening for presidental advisor.
Yeah, the new one is a nice little piece, although short.
... I'd forgotten all the games he plays with point of view. Definitely one of the rule-breakers: he slips from third to first to second and back, from one sentence to another. Messy but fun.
I think there's about to be an opening for presidental advisor.
But can you write "cool" phrases on Anne Geddes cards?
after last nights feast I expected not to be that hungry this am. I did not know I would dream of cooking a feast of lamb and pork and lobster. Alton showed up as matt and I were cooking and he was impressed.
I finally decided to put Without A Trace behind ER on my season pass list, but it doesn't matter, since I record CS from 9-10, and ER is listed as starting at 9:59.
I know why they do that -- but it is more pissy than anything else. NBC wants me to like ER more than both CSI and WaT? Why can't it just compete in its own timeslot? It's not like the ratings are going to reflect that dallying in the 9-10 hour.
And it's not like NBC is the only one doing it -- but they're the only ones doing it when I'm trying to mix and match an evening.
hey ita, are you around today?
I'll be free in the afternoon. Which reminds me (I'm such a flake) that I have something I picked in Kenya for your kids. Well, mainly Frankie, I guess.
Afternoon is good. I'll call you in a bit to make a plan.